18. März 2019
The Ombudsman of Valle d’Aosta (Italy), Mr Enrico Formento Dojot, generously hosts an IOI Workshop in Aosta from 28 – 29 March 2019. The workshop will focus on the topic of “Working Network: Experience and Perspective of an upcoming reality” and held at the Palazzo Regionale in Aosta.
18. März 2019
La próxima Asamblea General del Instituto Internacional del Ombudsman – Defensorías del Pueblo (ILO) se llevará a cabo los días 18 y 19 de julio de 2019, en la ciudad de San Salvador, capital de la República de El Salvador. El encuentro se desarrollará como es habitual en dos jornadas: el día jueves 18 con un seminario y el día 19, con la Asamblea propiamente dicha.
15. März 2019
From the 12th to the 15th of March, a Mediation Training for African Ombudsman was held in Durban, South Africa. The IOI in collaboration with the African Ombudsman Research Centre  (AORC) had organized a program, tailor-made for the needs of African Ombudsinstitutions, hosted by the Public Protector of South Africa.
15. März 2019
Hosted by the Office of the Ombudsman of Ontario, in Canada, during the 26th and the 27th of June 2019, this conference will highlight institutions that promote and protect Indigenous languages in light of the UN’s International Year of Indigenous Languages, as well as focus on the impact of technology on the future of minority language protection worldwide.


13. März 2019
A Royal Decree was issued on 5 March 2019 appointing HE Muhannad Hijazi as Chairman of the Integrity and Anti-corruption Commission to succeed HE Mohammed Al Allaf.
13. März 2019
Augustinas Normantas, Head of the Seimas Ombudsmen's Office and Vytautas Valentinavičius, Head of the Human Rights Division together with Jean-Sébastien Blanc, Director of Thematic Programmes of the Association for the Prevention of Torture (APT), accredited to the United Nations, discussed the peculiarities of treatment of patients with tuberculosis in prisons and mental health institutions.
13. März 2019
Acting Inspector-General of Taxation and Taxation Ombudsman (IGTO), Andrew McLoughlin, has released the review investigation report into the Australian Taxation Office’s (ATO) use of garnishee notices.
13. März 2019
Following visits to educational centers, the Ombudsman, acting as the National Prevention Mechanism (MNP), addressed a recommendation to the Directorate-General for Reintegration and Prison Services (DGRSP) to overcome various identified shortcomings.