25. Februar 2019
An applicant made four separate requests under the Freedom of Information Law (2018 Revision) to the Department of Immigration for records relating to various topics, including policies, procedures and guidelines on the handling of applications for permanent residency. No initial response was given, and no internal review was conducted.
25. Februar 2019
Manitoba Ombudsman and the Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth conducted a joint investigation into the use of pepper spray and segregation in youth correctional facilities, with each office examining the issues from the perspectives of their distinct mandates.
25. Februar 2019
Ontario Ombudsman Paul Dubé today outlined his plan for assuming the investigative functions of the Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth by May 1, as mandated by recent provincial legislation.
25. Februar 2019
The Czech Republic received the final recommendations of the UN Committee Against Torture (hereinafter the “Committee”) based on the examination of the Sixth Periodic Report of the Czech Republic evaluating the implementation of obligations under the UN Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. The Committee received five reports from NGOs and requested also a statement from the Ombudsman.
25. Februar 2019
The Control Yuan has issued a report calling for the New Taipei City Government, the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Health and Welfare to review the handling of the case last year of an illegal sheet-metal dwelling resided in by 18 wheelchair-bound individuals, and issuing advice on making improvements in related policy.
25. Februar 2019
Through the Chilungamo Program, funded by the European Union, Office of the Ombudsman has in the previous week carried out a number of activities across the country aimed at ensuring that the capacity of citizens to demand transparency and accountability from duty bearers is enhanced.
25. Februar 2019
La Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos (CNDH) solicita que los legisladores impulsen y aprueben una ley para la protección del patrimonio cultural inmaterial de pueblos y comunidades indígenas.
25. Februar 2019
La Defensoría del Pueblo de la provincia de Santa Fe le solicitó el pasado miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2019, al director Ejecutivo de la Agencia Nacional de Discapacidad que se tomen las medidas necesarias para evitar que, bajo ningún concepto, se suspenda el pago y el inicio de pensiones no contributivas por invalidez mientras se tramita el certificado médico oficial digital (CMOD), el nuevo requisito de la agencia nacional para los beneficiarios de estas pensiones.