27. September 2018
Mombasa Deputy Governor, Dr. William Kingi, who received the Chairperson and her team expressed his appreciation for the support the Commission had extended to the county by training its officers in complaints management.
27. September 2018
El encuentro de Adpra se llevó a cabo en la ciudad de Posadas los días 17 y 18 de septiembre. Se trataron como temas las tareas cotidianas de las instituciones que forman parte de la asociación y se definieron líneas de acción. Las tarifas y el acceso a la salud ocuparon parte de las deliberaciones.
27. September 2018
On the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of its office, the Ombudsman of the Republic of Moldova invited Ombudsman Institutions, representatives of NHRI’s and public authorities to attend the conference entitled “Evolution and role of national human rights institution in the modern society”. Participants from around the world gathered in Chisinau to discuss the significance of National Human Rights Institutions and their international networks throughout history - and today.
26. September 2018
A number of convicted non-smokers complained to the Ombudsman that a non-smoking area was no longer delimited in their prison. After the inquiry, the Ombudswoman concluded that the prison made an error when it allowed non-smokers to be regularly exposed to the negative effects of passive smoking. After issuing the inquiry report, the prison established a non-smoking unit for 25 convicts.
26. September 2018
Ante la llegada creciente de adolescentes migrantes no acompañados y la falta de recursos disponibles, el Síndic insiste en la necesidad de habilitar nuevos espacios que funcionen como centros de emergencia, con la imprescindible colaboración de todas las administraciones implicadas, tanto los distintos departamentos de la Generalitat de Catalunya como los ayuntamientos y la Administración del Estado.
26. September 2018
The timely intervention of Provincial Ombudsman Sindh, Mr Asad Ashraf Malik, made sure that a retired government servant was paid the outstanding dues by the Karachi Development Authorities (K.D.A.).
25. September 2018
A special meeting on “Implementation of women’s economic rights” has been initiated among the representatives of the Defender, state and self-government bodies and NGO’s in Khachik village, Armenia on 22 September 2018.  One of the key guarantees to tackle various issues in the named field is to ensure women’s economic enhancement and autonomy.
24. September 2018
Ombudsman Peter Tyndall today published his report into the developments in end-of-life care in Irish hospitals. The Ombudsman’s report was jointly launched with the Irish Hospice Foundation and the HSE who published an information booklet for the public: “When someone you care about is dying in hospital – What to expect”.