7. März 2019
IOI Secretary General Kräuter and IOI Board Member Mtro. González Pérez took the opportunity of the annual meeting of the Global Alliance of NHRIs (GANHRI) to drive forward the IOI’s efforts to forge closer ties with United Nations. During the annual conference, which was held from 4 – 6 March at the UN in Geneva, fruitful talks with UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, and Mr Coly Seck, President of the Human Rights Council were held.
5. März 2019
The representative of Azerbaijan Ombudsman Institution took part at the Consultative meeting on Analysis of the inclusive education policy in Azerbaijan which was held by the “Regional Development” Public Union of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation within the framework of the project named “Improvement of the teachers’ skills in the field of inclusive education” implemented with the support of the European Union.
5. März 2019
On the day of the Zero Discrimination, which is highlighted today, the Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, draws attention to the fact that complaints about municipal swimming pools that condition access to people with HIV/AIDS continue to arrive.
4. März 2019
A multi-disciplinary, multi-agency inspection team led by the Victorian Ombudsman will inspect Port Phillip Prison, Malmsbury Youth Justice Precinct and Secure Welfare Services, looking at practices related to ‘solitary confinement’ on children and young people.
27. Februar 2019
In December 2014, Mrs L went to a pre-operative assessment at the Trust ahead of her hip replacement surgery. Tests showed that she had high blood pressure and high levels of creatinine which indicated that her kidney function was impaired. A few days later, an anaesthetist checked these results and said that her hip operation could go ahead.
27. Februar 2019
Residents of Geelong, the Bellarine Peninsula and Surf Coast now have greater access to the services of the Victorian Ombudsman, with the organisation opening up a hub in Geelong one day per week, on a pilot basis.
26. Februar 2019
La adjunta del Diputado del Común, Milagros Fuentes, trasladó su preocupación por la permanencia de los Puntos de Encuentro Familiares (PEF), una alternativa que garantiza la seguridad y el bienestar de los menores hasta que se regularicen los regímenes de visitas, en las islas no capitalinas.
25. Februar 2019
On 24 February 2019 the new human rights ombudsman in the Republic of Slovenia Peter Svetina is starting his six-year term.