14. August 2018
Los acontecimientos están vinculados con el movimiento generado alrededor del proyecto de ley de legalización de la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo. Desde la institución se ofreció asistencia a las víctimas, en tanto que remarcaron la necesidad de seguir promoviendo una cultura de paz y convivencia pacífica entre las personas.
14. August 2018
El Síndic de Greuges ha hecho públicos los datos más destacados y las principales recomendaciones incluidas en el tercer informe anual sobre transparencia, acceso a la información pública y buen gobierno, correspondiente al año 2017. Previamente, el síndic, Rafael Ribó, ha entregado un ejemplar al presidente del Parlamento, Roger Torrent.
14. August 2018
Michelle Bachelet has twice been President of Chile, and on Wednesday, 8 August 2018, ground-breaking politician and women’s rights champion, Michelle Bachelet was nominated by the United Nations chief António Guterres for the key post of High Commissioner for Human Rights.
13. August 2018
Charlene Paquin has resigned as Manitoba Ombudsman to take a position as head of the Manitoba Civil Service Commission. Marc Cormier was appointed acting Ombudsman on 31 July 2018.
13. August 2018
Raúl Lamberto informó a legisladores de la comisión Defensoría del Pueblo los objetivos y resultados de la investigación realizada en conjunto con la Universidad Nacional de Rosario, en esa ciudad, durante el año 2017. El objetivo es extender el análisis a todo el territorio provincial.
13. August 2018
The Public Protector of Zambia, Mrs Caroline C.Z Sokoni in her capacity as the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) Africa Regional President and Treasurer General of African Ombudsman and Mediators Association (AOMA), met with the Swedish Ambassador to Zambia Mr Henrik Cederin on 9th August 2018 and the European Union (EU) Ambassador, Head of Delegation to the Republic of Zambia and COMESA Mr Alessandro Mariani on 10th August 2018 respectively.


13. August 2018
Ensuring the rights and freedoms of conscripts and military servicemen is one of the main directions of the Human Rights Defender's activities. Any issue related to this field is under the Human Rights Defender’s primary attention.


10. August 2018
Radio Ombudsman is the regular podcast of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) featuring conversations on a range of topics such as NHS investigations, good complaint handling and improving public services. The podcast is hosted by Ombudsman Rob Behrens and it aims to generate lively discussion and interesting ideas.