30. Juli 2018
Lo hizo en una reunión con autoridades del organismo nacional celebrada en Capital Federal con la presencia de demás miembros de Adpra. Además, consideró que una tecnicatura de este tipo debe preservarse, dado que se trata de la única en Sudamérica, con una importante salida laboral. El defensor santafesino analiza llevar el caso al Ministerio de Educación provincial.
30. Juli 2018
On 30 July 2018, the Commonwealth Ombudsman, Michael Manthorpe, released a report on the investigation of the actions and decisions of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) in relation to a complaint made by a veteran with over 30 years of service to Australia, and the difficulties he faced in accessing his correct entitlements.


30. Juli 2018
RA Investigative Committee initiated a criminal case on the basis of cases on provision of paid services at psychiatric institutions which were recorded by the staff of Human Rights Defender.



27. Juli 2018
El titular de la cartera energética señaló que analiza aplicar incrementos del orden del 25 y 30 por ciento del gas en boca de pozo y en el valor de la energía en el mercado eléctrico mayorista. La Defensoría del Pueblo indicó que, de producirse, éstos impactarán fuertemente en las facturas de los usuarios residenciales y pequeñas y medianas empresas (pymes).
27. Juli 2018
Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman, Marie Anderson, publishes her second Quarterly Bulletin. This includes reports on complaints about the treatment provided by a GP to a patient with breast cancer, the way a Council dealt with a planning application for a wind turbine, and the care and treatment of patients within two Health Trusts. This edition of the Bulletin also provides a further update on the important work within her Office to prepare for the first ‘own initiative’ investigations and their ongoing research project to explore issues in public sector complaints handling.
26. Juli 2018
La Defensoría del Pueblo de Santa Fe y sus pares de la Asociación de Defensores del Pueblo de la República Argentina (Adpra) se reunirán este jueves con las flamantes autoridades de la Dirección Nacional de Vialidad, en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, para plantear los problemas derivados del cierre de las escuelas técnicas dependientes de ese organismo.


26. Juli 2018
In late 2016, the Victorian Ombudsman created an Early Resolution Team which identifies matters that can be resolved informally, focusing on practical outcomes. The team now handles about 85 per cent of approaches to the Ombudsman, closing most within 30 days.
26. Juli 2018
The Office of the British Columbia Ombudsperson presents its Annual Report for 2017/2018 to the Legislative Assembly. The report covers the period April 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018 and has been prepared in accordance with section 31 (1) of the Ombudsperson Act.