28. November 2018
The Universal Rights Group (URG) and the Commonwealth Secretariat published a policy brief within a series of publications exploring how universal human rights standards are translated through the actions of governments, parliaments, NHRIs and NGOs. The URG is a small, independent think tank situated in Geneva and dedicated to analysing and strengthening global human rights policy.
28. November 2018
The Ombudsman of Namibia announced the appointment of Ms Ingrid Husselmann as the Deputy Chief, effective 1 November 2018. As the Deputy Chief, Ms Husselmann will lead and oversee the operational management of the Division: Human Rights and Legal services. She will also serve as the Children’s Advocate in the Office of the Ombudsman.
28. November 2018
Commissioner for Fundamental Rights László Székely, who fulfills the role of the Hungarian National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) and his Slovenian partner, Slovenian Deputy Ombudsman Ivan Šelih, fulfilling the responsibilities of the Slovenian NPM, as well as NPM representative Robert Gačnik paid a visit to the Zala County Remand Prison on November 13-14, 2018, where they met with acting Prison Commander Colonel István András Fülöp, and Lieutenant-Colonel Szabolcs Porubszky.
28. November 2018
La Defensoría del Pueblo y el Consejo Consultivo de Género, realizó el XIV Foro de Políticas Públicas: Respuestas del Estado ante la Violencia Contra Las Mujeres; en el marco de la conmemoración del 25 de noviembre, Día Internacional para la Eliminación de la Violencia contra la Mujer.
26. November 2018
During 10 – 12 October 2018, Thai Ombudsman Viddhavat Rajatanun welcomed a delegation from the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia led by Ombudsman Amzulian Rifai, to sign a bilateral Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Ombudsman of the Kingdom of Thailand and the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia. 
26. November 2018
The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25 November should serve as a reminder to do more to secure the immediate protection and access to justice of women who are victims of domestic violence.
26. November 2018
Current challenges on guarantying the rights of persons deprived of liberty were discussed during the extended session of the Advisory Council on the Prevention of Torture. Particularly, fundamental issues with regard to the new procedure of the early conditional release were dealt with, such as ensuring the right of access to court.
26. November 2018
La Procuración Penitenciaria y la Defensoría del Pueblo de la Provincia de Buenos Aires firmaron el pasado 22 de noviembre un convenio de cooperación con el objetivo de comenzar a realizar acciones en conjunto para la mejora de la protección de los derechos humanos de las personas privadas de libertad.