10. Dezember 2018
In 2014, the Greek Ombudsman was appointed as the National Preventive Mechanism Against Torture and Ill-Treatment (OPCAT), ie the independent, national, monitoring body of the conditions in detention facilities.
10. Dezember 2018
The Commonwealth Ombudsman, Michael Manthorpe PSM, has today released a report into the Department of Home Affairs’ (the department) implementation of the recommendations made in Dr Vivienne Thom's independent review of the detention of two Australian citizens in 2017.
10. Dezember 2018
On 7 December 2018, Public Defender Nino Lomjaria held a summarizing press conference and discussed the human rights situation in Georgia in 2018, introduced the statistics of the cases studied by the Public Defender's Office and outlined main findings.
10. Dezember 2018
The Office of the Ombudsman of Ireland published its final Casebook of 2018. It contains summaries of some of the cases we recently examined in the wide range of public sectors under the Ombudsman's jurisdiction such as agriculture, direct provision, social provision, social protection and health.
10. Dezember 2018
Last Thursday, 6th of December, the Ombudsman Paul Dubé committed his office to the new responsibilities that were transferred to it under the Restoring Trust, Transparency and Accountability Act, 2018. The legislation expands the Ombudsman’s mandate to include children’s aid societies and French-language services.
10. Dezember 2018
La Comisión Provincial de Prevención de la Tortura de Misiones presentó el Informe Público Anual 2018. Estuvo presente en el mencionado acto el Procurador Penitenciario, Francisco Mugnolo quien tuvo la oportunidad de exponer ante un auditorio.
10. Dezember 2018
La Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos (CNDH) presenta a la opinión pública y a las autoridades el Informe Especial sobre los derechos humanos de las Personas con Discapacidad.
10. Dezember 2018
The Seimas Ombudsman Augustinas Normantas has urged the Parliament to avoid the initiatives that would have a political and/or economic influence on the public broadcaster, thus violating the provisions of Article 10 of the ECtHR.