6. Juni 2018
The Ombudsman Sindh Mr. Asad Ashraf Malik who is also the President Asia Region of International Ombudsman Institution was granted Life Time Achievement Award on 11th May 2018, in recognition of his services to the community in the Field of “Public Service” on the eve of “Engineer Day” by the Institution of Engineers Pakistan.
5. Juni 2018
Ararteko has finalized the conclusions of the IOI international workshop that it hosted in Vitoria-Gasteiz on 16-17 May 2018 and is making them here available to all IOI member institutions. The topic of the workshop was "Good Environmental Governance: The Role of Ombuds Institutions in Protecting Environmental Rights".
4. Juni 2018
La Defensora de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes de la Provincia de Santa Fe, Analía Colombo, participa del Congreso Mundial sobre la Justicia para los niños, niñas y adolescentes. El evento se realiza en la sede de UNESCO en la ciudad de París entre el 28 al 30 de mayo.
4. Juni 2018
El 23 de mayo del corriente año, la Procuración Penitenciaria de la Nación (PPN) participó del Seminario “La  gestión integral de los sistemas penitenciarios a la luz de las Reglas Mandela”, que se llevó a cabo en la Honorable Legislatura de Tucumán.
4. Juni 2018
In an investigation report released on May 30, 2018, the Québec Ombudsman shed light on the situation of children who do not qualify for the Québec Health Insurance Plan because their parents have a precarious migratory status.
4. Juni 2018
Dans un rapport d’enquête spéciale, rendu public le 30 mai 2018, le Protecteur du citoyen du Québec fait la lumière sur la situation d’enfants qui ne sont pas admissibles au régime public d’assurance maladie parce que leurs parents ont un statut migratoire précaire.
4. Juni 2018
A Control Yuan (CY) joint committee, made up of members of the CY’s Committee on Domestic and Minority Affairs and Committee on Judicial and Prison Administration Affairs, headed to the Yilan Detention Center and Yilan Prison on an inspection visit 23 and 24 April 2018. 
4. Juni 2018
Le Président de la République, S.E.M. Alassane OUATTARA, a assisté, ce jeudi 24 Mai 2018, au Palais de la Présidence de la République, à l’Audience solennelle de Prestation de Serment du Médiateur de la République, M. Adama TOUNGARA, nommé le 04 Avril 2018.