25. August 2017
Las dos instituciones firmaron convenios de cooperación que permitirán que personal del organismo nacional tenga a partir de la próxima semana un espacio en la oficina de la defensoría para recibir denuncias vinculadas con actos discriminatorios, xenófobos o racistas en la ciudad y su zona de influencia.
25. August 2017
In its efforts to further increase the regional impact of the IOI, the members of the IOI Board of Directors decided at their recent Board meeting in Vienna to continue the regional subsidy programme for the membership year 2017/2018. Institutional members wishing to apply for a regional subsidy can submit project proposal until 1 September 2017.
24. August 2017
The office of the Ombudsman organized a one day sensitization workshop as part of the Ombudsman’s preparations to visit prisons, police cells and other detention centers. The workshop was attended by fifty eight participants from the Police, Immigration and Prisons departments as well as staff of the Ombudsman and Press officers and was held at Senegambia Hotel on 10th August 2017. 
23. August 2017
Le Pr BEUGRE TAKOUO Félix, Médiateur délégué des régions de San-Pédro, Gboklê et de la Nawa, a été officiellement installé. La cérémonie d’installation a eu lieu, le mercredi 16 août 2017, au Centre Culturel Municipal de San-Pédro.
23. August 2017
On 23 August 2017 Public Protector Protector Adv. Busisiwe Mkhwebane commemorated Women’s Month in Limpopo. The Office of the Public Protector took the opportunity of this event to set up a makeshift service point, which allowed locals to file complaints to the Public Protector.
23. August 2017
Oficina Defensorial de Tumbes supervisó Oficinas de Atención a las Personas con Discapacidad de 10 Municipalidades Distritales, 3 Provinciales y del Gobierno Regional. Se evalúo la incorporación de estas oficinas al organigrama de las instituciones, asignación de presupuesto y personal, entre otros puntos. 
23. August 2017
An Ombudsman investigation report relating to the conditions faced by women in the Alice Springs Women's Correctional Facility has been tabled in the Legislative Assembly. Women in Prison II revisits similar issues to those discussed in a 2008 Ombudsman report. It concludes that progress since then has been limited at best.
23. August 2017
The Office of the Ombudsman in Tonga has presented the first edition of its newsletter in July 2017. The aim of the newsletter is to provide brief information to the community regarding current developments of the Office.