31. Juli 2017
La Defensoría del Pueblo de la provincia de Santa Fe participará en las próximas elecciones legislativas nacionales como observadora del proceso electoral. Funcionarios de la Defensoría participarán en el monitoreo de los comicios en 20 centros de votación del territorio santafesino.
31. Juli 2017
The African Ombudsman Reserach Centre (AORC) has published the 8th issue of its newsletter "African Ombudsman Today".
28. Juli 2017
United Religions Initiative-Africa (URI-Africa) has awarded the African Ombudsman and Mediators Association (AOMA), which Ethiopia is leading as President, in appreciation and acknowledgment of its great contribution to the promotion of good governance, human rights, rule of law, strengthening values of peaceful coexistence in Africa.
28. Juli 2017
Présenté sous le thème Le pouvoir de changer les choses, le 14e rapport annuel du bureau de l’OMBUDSMAN de MONTRÉAL (OdM) confirme plus que jamais la pertinence de ce recours impartial et confidentiel qui est offert gratuitement aux citoyens, pour les aider à régler leurs différends avec la Ville de Montréal ou à mieux comprendre le fondement de ses décisions.
28. Juli 2017
The IOI introduces a new publication series of Best Practice Papers with a view to provide guidance material to its members and interested third parties. Issue 1 of the IOI’s new Best Practice Papers series deals with the “Developing and Reforming Ombudsman Institutions” and is now available on the IOI website.
26. Juli 2017
Este año el concurso de la Federación Iberoamericana del Ombudsman (FIO) reconocerá un trabajo que defienda los derechos de los niños, adolescentes y jóvenes migrantes en situación de vulnerabilidad en Iberoamérica. Hasta el 30 de agosto pueden postularse publicaciones realizadas entre el 1 de mayo de 2016 y el 5 de mayo de 2017. El ganador se llevará una beca de estudio en el Instituto Berg, de España.
25. Juli 2017
Zoran Pašalić, lawyer from Belgrade, was elected as new Protector of Citizens (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Serbia. Mr. Pašalić was born in 1958. In his long career he worked on legal issues in number of companies, and as of 2003 started career as a judge. Prior to the election as the new Ombudsman, Mr. Pašalić was President of Appellate Misdemeanor Court.
25. Juli 2017
Mental Health Reform has today launched a new report entitled, The Advocacy Needs of Mental Health Service Users Living in the Community: A Pilot Study. The report examines the need for independent, one-to-one advocacy supports for people who use mental health services and who need help to make decisions or access their rights and entitlements.