29. Mai 2017
IOI President Peter Tyndall delivered a presentation at the Ombudsman Association (OA) Conference 2017 which was held from 25 – 26 May 2017 in Loughborough Conference Centre in England.
24. Mai 2017
On the occasion of its 10th anniversary, the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC) published the 2016 annual report which will enable the ACRC to look back on its accomplishments of 9 years work and prepare for the upcoming 10 years.
23. Mai 2017
On 16 May 2017 IOI President Peter Tyndall and the President of the Forum of Canadian Ombudsman (FCO), Ms Nora Farrell signed a Memorandum of Understanding by which both organisations express their willingness to strongly cooperate in the future.President Tyndall further took the opportunity of his stay to visit the Toronto Office of the Ombudsman of Ontario.
23. Mai 2017
El Grupo de Trabajo sobre Detención Arbitraria emitió sus observaciones preliminares luego de su visita a la Argentina entre el 8 y 18 de mayo de 2017.
22. Mai 2017
Toronto, May 19, 2017 – Ombudsman Toronto released its Investigation Report into How the City of Toronto's Parks Forestry and Recreation Division (PF&R) handled a Park Permit. The investigation revealed a lack of fair process when the City quickly cancelled a permit after neighbours complained. Ombudsman Toronto made eight recommendations to ensure fairness in how the City handles park permits, all of which PF&R accepted.
22. Mai 2017
La Defensoría del Pueblo de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires presentó un proyecto de ley integral para las personas trans. La iniciativa presentada hoy en la Legislatura porteña pretende asegurar a las personas trans, el ejercicio pleno y en condiciones de igualdad de sus derechos y libertades.
22. Mai 2017
The Office of the People’s Advocate issued the English versions of two special reports. The first one focuses on the rights of children living in residential institutions and children’s homes; the second one investigates the role of the People’s Advocate with respect to migration issues.
19. Mai 2017
The Ombudsman Office as part of its ongoing efforts to enhance communication with the public and to use advanced technology to provide its services, this week the Ombudsman Office launched its official application for iPhone, iPad, and Google Android devices on App Store and Google Play for free.