11. Mai 2017
IOI President Peter Tyndall and Secretary General Günther Kräuter congratulate Ombudwoman Lora Vidovic on the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Croatian Ombuds institution. Peter Tyndall’s well reputed speech and Günther Kräuter’s moderation formed part of an excellently organized conference dealing with the timely topic of “Reclaiming human rights in Europe: How to enhance the democratic space”.
11. Mai 2017
At its annual meeting in Vienna the IOI Board of Directors adopted a declaration requesting the Congress of Argentina to accelerate procedures to appoint the National Ombudsman – a position which has remained vacant for the past seven years – and the National Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents – a position which remains vacant since its creation in 2005.
10. Mai 2017
En el marco de la visita oficial realizada a la Argentina por el Grupo de Trabajo en Detenciones Arbitrarias del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos, el día 8 de mayo se recibió en la Procuración Penitenciaria de la Nación (PPN) parte de la comitiva integrada por la Sra. Elina Steinerte –Vicepresidenta- y a la Sra. Lucie Viersma –Secretaria-.
9. Mai 2017
The New South Wales (NSW) Ombudsman, Professor John McMillan, recently released a report ‘Asbestos: How NSW government agencies deal with the problem’. He found that there are serious gaps in the NSW Government’s response to the health risks posed by asbestos and how it can be handled and disposed of safely. The report follows an earlier NSW Ombudsman report, published in 2010.
9. Mai 2017
The newly appointed Ombudsman of the republic of Sierra Leone Lawyer Melron Nicol-Wilson Tuesday 25 April 2017 subscribed to the oath of office at a ceremony at State House in Freetown.
8. Mai 2017
En el marco del segundo plenario de la Asociación de Defensores del Pueblo de la República Argentina (Adpra), los defensores del Pueblo de todo el país manifestaron en una declaración específica su profunda inquietud por la crítica situación que atraviesa la empresa cooperativa SanCor y que compromete la estabilidad de miles de puestos de trabajo a lo largo de una vasta región de la geografía económica del país.
8. Mai 2017
Lombardy's new regional defender is Carlo Lio, elected by the Regional Council on 3 May 2017. Carlo Lio will succeed Donato Giordano, who has served as regional Ombudsman for the past six years and whose term will expire in a few days.
8. Mai 2017
In view of the arrival of thousands and thousands of people coming from war-torn countries such as Syria and from other places for reasons of persecutions, political or religious ideas, warring among ethnic groups or hunger, in September 2015, the European Union assigned its Member States to relocate 170,000 individuals arriving in Italy and Greece.