2. Oktober 2023
Les hacemos llegar el 90. Reporte Internacional de “Derechos Humanos en Perspectiva Internacional” elaborado por el Programa de Observación y Asistencia para el Fortalecimiento de las Defensorías del Pueblo, que forma parte de la Unidad de Política Institucional de la Defensoría del Pueblo de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (Argentina).
29. September 2023
The Office of the Ombudsman of Israel has the pleasure of sharing with the international Ombudsman community an article written by Ms. Merav Fox Sobol, Senior Deputy Head of Department at the Office of the Ombudsman, in collaboration with two Israeli scholars. The article, which was published in the Office's special Jubilee publication, examines the role of the Ombudsman pertaining to the right to access the administration.
29. September 2023
The International Ombudsman Conference entitled 'The Role of the Ombudsman in the World: Between Reality and Possibilities' was held in Rome on 21 and 22 September 2023. The Conference brought together Ombudsman colleagues, government representatives, experts and academics from all over the world.
28. September 2023
Parliamentary Ombudsman Petri Jääskeläinen presented his annual report for 2022 to the first Deputy Speaker of Parliament Juho Eerola on Thursday 15 June. In 2022, there were a total of 6,613 complaints. This is the third largest number of complaints ever recorded. The largest number of complaints concerned social welfare, the police, healthcare and criminal sanctions. In the reporting year, 6,857 complaints were resolved.
28. September 2023
La Defensoría del Pueblo, frente a los casos de niñas embarazadas producto de violación sexual en Áncash y Moquegua, continúa realizando diversas actuaciones ante las autoridades sanitarias del ámbito nacional y regional, así como supervisando la atención de los servicios de otros sectores, como las unidades de protección especial y centros emergencia mujer.
28. September 2023
In the light of the violence at the Pride Parade in Maribor Human Rights Ombudsman Peter Svetina condemned expressions of intolerance and violence and emphasised that prejudice, discrimination, and exclusion due to sexual orientation, sexual identity, and other personal circumstances are unfortunately still present in society, despite being unacceptable.
28. September 2023
El 18 de septimebre de 2023, el Defensor de la Infancia y Adolescencia de Andalucía, Jesús Maeztu, advertió sobre la necesidad de mejorar la detección de diferentes situaciones de riesgo para la infancia.
28. September 2023
The Ombudsman of Thailand acknowledged an appeal about Chonburi Provincial Social Development and Human Society Office’s delayed payment of funeral expenses for the elderly according to the traditional life style. The fact states that the number of passing elderlies is higher than the budget allocated to the Department of Older Persons.