4. April 2024
The Ombudsman of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Tejan Ahmed Israel Jah Esq, paid a courtesy visit to the Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Madam Kenye Ballay, and a cross section of her Management Team at her Office at Tower Hill in Freetown.
4. April 2024
The new Ombudsman, Mr Jack Chan, has started his term on 1 April 2024. The appointment for a term of five years was made by the Chief Executive of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region under The Ombudsman Ordinance (Cap 397).
4. April 2024
The CCAC received a report claiming that two public servants of the Social Welfare Bureau violated the provision of exclusivity by engaging in part-time work and provided false information in the declarations of assets and interests, thus allegedly violating the Legal Regime of Declaration of Assets and Interests.
4. April 2024
El organismo de control participó en la audiencia pública virtual que organizó la Secretaría de Obras Públicas para debatir la adecuación tarifaria de AySA.
4. April 2024
La oficina de la Defensoría del Pueblo en Lambayeque instó a la empresa prestadora de servicios Epsel S.A., encargada de brindar los servicios de agua potable y saneamiento en la región, a agilizar el trámite de los procedimientos administrativos pendientes para dar inicio a la ejecución del proyecto de ampliación y mejoramiento integral de los sistemas de agua potable en el distrito de San José, el cual se encuentra paralizado desde hace siete años, afectando las condiciones de vida de 25 000 habitantes.
4. April 2024
Au Québec, c’est le Protecteur du citoyen qui veille à l’intégrité des ministères et des organismes publics. Il traite les divulgations d’actes répréhensibles et mène des enquêtes rigoureuses pour vérifier si des actes répréhensibles ont été commis ou sont sur le point de l’être. Voici quelques pistes pour reconnaître et divulguer un acte répréhensible.
4. April 2024
The Taxpayers’ Ombudsperson, Mr. François Boileau, has opened a systemic examination into issues that could prevent some temporary residents from receiving the Canada child benefit (CCB) in a timely manner.
28. März 2024
Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass reflects on her 10-year term as Victoria’s Ombudsman in a report which is now available. She will shortly come to the end of her 10-year term as Victoria’s Ombudsman.