15. September 2023
A la veille de la rentrée scolaire, la Défenseure des droits, Claire Hédon, et son adjoint Défenseur des enfants, Eric Delemar, s’inquiètent des entraves au droit à l’éducation des enfants. En effet, de nombreux enfants rencontrent des difficultés pour avoir accès à l’école.
15. September 2023
On 7 September 2023, Ombudsman of Ontario, Paul Dubé, called for an overhaul of Ontario’s long-term care inspection system, after his latest investigation found it was completely overwhelmed during the first wave of COVID-19.
15. September 2023
Under significant threat of wildfire, an evacuation order was issued for all of Enterprise, K’atl’odeeche First Nation, and Hay River NT shortly after 3:00pm on Sunday, 13 August 2023. 
15. September 2023
The Chief Ombudsman Peter Boshier has published his half-yearly data on Official Information Act (OIA) and Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act (LGOIMA) complaints. The data covers the number of complaints received under each Act for the period 1 January 2023 to 30 June 2023, as well as the number of complaints completed by the Ombudsman during this period.
15. September 2023
El jueves 7 de septiembre de 2023, en la sede de la Defensoría del Pueblo de Santa Fe, más de 40 instituciones de la provincia confirmaron su compromiso contra la Violencia de Género en Entornos Digitales. Se realizarán capacitaciones y campañas sobre esta problemática.
15. September 2023
El martes 12 de septiembre de 2023, el Defensor de la Infancia y Adolescencia de Andalucía, Jesús Maeztu, ha reclamado un mayor acompañamiento psicológico, especializado y específico, para los niños y niñas huérfanos por la violencia de género y sus familias; un sistema de ayudas económicas públicas para estas víctimas menores de edad cuando pierden a sus madres y mejoras en la información disponible sobre la situación en la que quedan.
15. September 2023
The office of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Angola released its Weekly Review highlighting the week between 22 August and 1 September 2023. During this time, among others Ombudsman Ms Florbela Rocha Araújo responded to citizen’s concerns regarding land rights and permanent risk of eviction, participated in webinars, and attended a regional climate change conference.
14. September 2023
Sindh Ombudsman Ajaz Ali Khan directed the Excise and Taxation Department to clear the backlog and issue number plates to 300,000 registered vehicles as the requests for the same by vehicle owners have been piling up for the past several months.