27. Oktober 2016
Manifesta CNDH su solidaridad con los colectivos feministas y familiares de las víctimas que realizan distintos actos con el fin de generar consciencia sobre la necesidad de erradicar la violencia feminicida y exigir justicia
24. Oktober 2016
On 24 October 2016 the IOI released a report on the current constitutional situation of the Polish Commissioner for Human Rights based on a Fact Finding Mission, which took place in July.
24. Oktober 2016
This Casebook contains summaries of recent cases the Ombudsman has dealt with. 
24. Oktober 2016
Organized by the Macedonian Centre for International Cooperation (MCIC), the Roma education forum and the EPTISA Consortium, there were several sessions held within the project “Local integration of refugees, internally displaced persons and minorities” which were attended by a representative of the Office of the Ombudsman from the Department for protection of the rights of the children and persons with disabilities.
24. Oktober 2016
Victorian public sector agencies seeking to improve the way they deal with complaints and improve their overall administration are encouraged to engage with the Victorian Ombudsman’s new Public Sector Education program.
24. Oktober 2016
Over the last few years, the Public Defender of Rights received many complaints by persons who were, for instance, not allowed to enter certain buildings or public transport vehicles with their assistance dogs.
21. Oktober 2016
Le Médiateur de la République Côte d’Ivoire a publié son nouveau journal pour soutenir la promotion de la bonne gouvernance et  pour  se rendre plus visible et plus proche de la population.
20. Oktober 2016
Dans un rapport sur « La petite enfance : vecteur de vitalité des communautés francophones en situation minoritaire » le commissaire aux langues officielles recommande au gouvernement de prioriser le développement de la petite enfance dans les communautés francophones.