13. Oktober 2016
Ombudsman Tyndall discusssed a report that highlightes the manner in which many older people are directed towards nursing homes, when they would prefer to remain in their own homes with appropriate support if necessary.
13. Oktober 2016
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman Julie Mellor urges the government to tackle the problem of discharging frail and older people from hospital without the right social care in place.
11. Oktober 2016
In Korea, Improper Solicitation and Graft Act took effect in September 2016 with an aim to eradicate corruptions that violate people's right. The Act has gained a great support from the public and the Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission (ACRC) has promoted the enactment of the Act.
11. Oktober 2016
During the autumn, Ombudsman Stefan Holgersson will begin a series of inspections focusing on unaccompanied minors to see if their basic rights are being respected. The Office of the Parliamentary Ombudsmen receives a relatively large number of reports regarding cases linked to unaccompanied minors, and the trend indicates that these reports are increasing.
10. Oktober 2016
Victoria’s integrity system must be further reformed to ensure the Victorian Ombudsman can deliver the best possible scrutiny and accountability of public services in the public interest.
5. Oktober 2016
11th IOI World Conference on “Evolution of Ombudsmanship” - online registration open until 25 October 2016!


11ª Conferencia Mundial del IIO bajo el lema “La Evolución del Ombudsman” - inscripción en línea abierta hasta el 25 de octubre de 2016!


11° Congrès Mondial de l’IIO sur le thème « L’Évolution dans le domaine de l’Ombudsman » - l'inscription en ligne est maintenant ouverte jusqu'au 25 octobre 2016!

5. Oktober 2016
The Victorian Ombudsman is exploring how it might make more use of its data on complaints and investigations, including providing summary data to agencies being complained about to assist them in service improvement. Input from colleagues is highly appreciated.
4. Oktober 2016
Un año después de la entrada en vigor de la Ley de Transparencia, el Síndic de Greuges de Catalunya, Rafael Ribó, ha presentado al Parlament el primer informe de evaluación. El Síndic subraya que toda la información pública debe ser accesible para todos, que las administraciones deben ser transparentes y que las administraciones deben difundir entre la ciudadanía cuáles son sus derechos en materia de transparencia.