20. Oktober 2016
In a special report on “Early Childhood: Fostering the Vitality of Francophone Minority Communities”, the Commissioner of Official Languages recommends that the government prioritize early childhood development in Francophone communities.
20. Oktober 2016
Vulnerable drivers have been left in limbo for years as a result of major failings by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) in assessing people’s fitness to drive, leaving them unable to work and cutting them off from their friends and families, according to a new report published today.
19. Oktober 2016
The Seimas Ombudsman, head of the Seimas Ombudsmen's Office Mr. Augustinas Normantas has met with the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Ms. Valeriya Lutkovska to discuss cooperation issues in strengthening the capacities of apparatus of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights.
19. Oktober 2016
Le nouvel organe interrégional de médiation/conciliation est constitué dans le cadre du prélèvement kilométrique appliqué aux poids lourds en Belgique depuis le 1er avril dernier.
19. Oktober 2016
La institución en calidad de presidenta del Observatorio Panameño contra la Violencia de Género (OPVG), hace un llamado a las autoridades para revisar de manera urgente, las acciones que se están ejecutando para la protección de la vida e integridad de las mujeres.
19. Oktober 2016
The Office of the Ombudsman and the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) made a joint appeal today to all government authorities to give impetus to refugee reception and integration schemes, with a reminder that Spain must comply with the commitments made in the sphere of international protection.
18. Oktober 2016
There is little information available on the situation of migrants and refugees with disabilities recently arrived in the EU. A thematic focus of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) explores practices in four areas crucial to persons with disabilities and victims of torture in the current migrant situation.
18. Oktober 2016
El mantenimiento de un sistema de protección social con una garantía de ingresos es una exigencia irrenunciable en la lucha contra la desigualdad y la pobreza. En el Día Internacional para la Erradicación de la Pobreza, el Ararteko expresa públicamente su apoyo a las Naciones Unidas en sus esfuerzos por sensibilizar a Estados y personas acerca de la necesidad de erradicar la pobreza.