24. August 2023
In the first half of 2023, the Ombudsman of the Republic of Moldova continued to carry out a careful and exhaustive analysis of the way in which the national public authorities managed the situation of foreign refugees on the territory of the country as a result of the armed conflict in Ukraine. As a result of this monitoring, the People’s Advocate together with his team prepared a detailed report, which was published now.
24. August 2023
Con el objetivo de señalar las preocupaciones en el ámbito de los derechos humanos en los últimos años, la Defensoría Pública de la Unión (DPU) divulgó el Informe Defensorial "Situación de los Derechos Humanos en Brasil". Las 354 páginas de este documento detallan la necesidad de inversión en soluciones estructurales por parte del Estado brasileño que prioricen las demandas de la población en situación de vulnerabilidad.
24. August 2023
On 10 August 2023, the Provincial Ombudsman Sindh chaired a meeting on the Program to reduce stunting. Project coordinators from the Livestock & Fisheries, the Agriculture, the Population Welfare, and the Health departments of the Government of Sindh, as well as the DHO Tharparkar, Thardeep and Thar Foundation participated in the meeting, discussing the implementation strategy for recommendations of the study “Assessment of malnutrition (stunting) in district Tharparkar”.
24. August 2023
In order to point out concerns related to human rights in recent years, the Federal Public Defenders' Office (DPU) released the Defenders’ Report "The situation of Human Rights in Brazil". The document spans 354 pages and outlines the need for the Brazilian State to channel investments into structural solutions that prioritize vulnerable populations.
21. August 2023
Les hacemos llegar el 84. Reporte Internacional de “Derechos Humanos en Perspectiva Internacional” elaborado por el Programa de Observación y Asistencia para el Fortalecimiento de las Defensorías del Pueblo, que forma parte de la Unidad de Política Institucional de la Defensoría del Pueblo de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (Argentina).
18. August 2023
On 17 August 2023, the Ombudsman, Ms Winnie Chiu, announced at a press conference the completion of a direct investigation into the Government’s enforcement against defective sewage works of New Territories Exempted Houses (“NTEHs”) and made 10 recommendations for improvement to the Environmental Protection Department (“EPD”), the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (“FEHD”) and the Lands Department (“LandsD”).
17. August 2023
The report published by the Greek Ombudsman is a brief record of the findings from the cases handled by the Authority in the period 2011-2022 concerning harassment and sexual harassment in employment and at work. It offers the reader a broad overview of the institutional framework, on the national, European and international level, for the prevention and investigation of harassment and sexual harassment, as well as the imposition of effective, proportionate and dissuasive sanctions.
17. August 2023
On 2 August 2023, the Commonwealth Ombudsman, Iain Anderson, published a statement regarding his Office’s investigation, ‘Lessons in Lawfulness’ into Services Australia’s and the Department of Social Services’ response to the question of the lawfulness of income apportionment before 7 December 2020.