6. Mai 2015
Each year hundreds of thousands of children across the EU are involved in legal proceedings. Justice systems need to do more to cater to the needs of these children, finds the latest report from the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). Making justice more child-friendly is in the best interests of the child, improves child protection and their meaningful participation in judicial proceedings.
4. Mai 2015
Due to the exceedingly high interest in the NPM-Training in Riga from 16-19 June, the workshop “Implementing a Preventive Mandate” is already fully booked.
4. Mai 2015
The institution calls for an intervention of the European Parliament, the European Ombudsman and the Human Rights Commissioner of the Council of Europe.
4. Mai 2015
Following the very successful round table organized in February 2014 the IOI and the World Bank once again invite World Bank staff and interested individuals to participate in the 2nd roundtable on “The role of Ombudsman institutions in promoting citizen-centric governance and inclusive institutions” which will be held on 11 May 2015 in Washington DC.
4. Mai 2015
The Ombudsman, Soledad Becerril, and the autonomous-regional ombudsmen have called on the European Union (EU) for greater involvement in preventing the deaths of more immigrants in the Mediterranean. This is what they have indicated in an institutional declaration in which they regret the deaths that occurred on 18 April and call for more means to enhance living conditions in the countries of origin.
4. Mai 2015
The World Bank together with the Open Government Partnership (OGP), the Carter Center and the Federal Institute for Access to Public Information and Data Protection in Mexico (IFAI) will hold a webinar on “Engaging with Access to Information” on 6 May 2015 from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time.
4. Mai 2015
The Ombudsman, Peter Tyndall has decided to circulate summaries of recent cases his office has dealt with to public representatives and public service providers. The Ombudsman hopes that by sharing the outcomes of cases, we will all learn from the mistakes and good practice of others.
4. Mai 2015
In recognition of the fiftieth (50th) anniversary of the establishment of the first Ombudsman role in Canada in 1965, FCO is providing a bursary for the cost of enrolment in the FCO/Osgoode ‘Ombuds Essentials’ course offered in English from September 28 – October 2, 2015 in Toronto or in French in Montreal in May, 2016 (2015 Registration fee: $3150 + 409.50 = $3559.50).