29. Mai 2015
The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC) published the “ACRC Korea Annual Report 2014,” a collection of the ACRC’s performance and major policies of the year 2014. As the protector of civil rights, the ACRC actively performed its duties, dealing with 28,744 complaints among 30,038 complaints received last year.
29. Mai 2015
In March Ombudsman Ron Paterson released an opinion under the Ombudsmen Act about an investigation into a decision by a school Board of Trustees to expel a high school student with Aspergers. Following an incident where the year 11 student had threatened to assault a teacher the Board had expelled him for “gross misconduct” that was “a harmful or dangerous example to other students”.
29. Mai 2015
Reporting on the largest investigation in his office’s history – comprising more than 10,500 complaints – the Ombudsman revealed a litany of egregious problems with billing and customer service arising from Hydro One’s disastrous installation of a new customer information system in May 2013, which he estimates affected well over 100,000 customers.
29. Mai 2015
While addressing members of the Federal Advisory Committee on Reforms and Speedy Complaint Resolution and Federal and Provincial Ombudsmen of Pakistan, the President of Pakistan expressed his appreciation of the concept of speedy resolution of complaints at the doorsteps of the common man, free of cost, evolved by the Ombudsmen and the committee. The Federal Advisory Committee comprises of eminent and renowned personalities of Pakistan with a record of public service in the country.
29. Mai 2015
Mr. M. Salman Faruqui, Federal Ombudsman of Pakistan inaugurated the first ever one window Facilitation Desk for Overseas Pakistanis at Benazir International Airport, Islamabad. Over 7 million Pakistanis living across the globe would now be able to submit their complaints at this Desk for their early redressal.
29. Mai 2015
This Office has hosted a press conference this morning to announce two own-motioned investigation reports. One is about the "Rating and Valuation Department’s Regulation of Display of Building Numbers" while the other one is on "Safety Regulation of Eco-friendly Refrigerants ".
29. Mai 2015
The public will be able to complain to the Ontario Ombudsman about school boards as of September 1, 2015, and about municipalities and universities as of January 1, 2016, now that the dates have been proclaimed for the relevant sections of the Ombudsman Act, 1990, the Public Sector and MPP Accountability and Transparency Act is coming into force.
28. Mai 2015
El Defensor del Pueblo Adjunto y Defensor de los Derechos del Turista y del Extranjero, José Palmiotti, y el subsecretario de Derechos del Turista, Mario Pironi, participaron de la Primera Cumbre Iberoamericana sobre Derechos Humanos, Migrantes y Trata de Personas, celebrada el 12 y 13 de mayo en la ciudad de Bogotá, Colombia. El encuentro, convocado por la Federación Iberoamericana del Ombudsman (FIO), fue organizado conjuntamente por la Red de Migrantes y Trata de esa Federación y la Defensoría del Pueblo de Colombia, y contó con el apoyo de la cooperación alemana GIZ.