4. Mai 2015
The Essentials for Ombuds is a five-day intensive training collaboration between the Forum of Canadian Ombudsman and Osgoode Professional Development.
29. April 2015
After three years and four months as acting Manitoba Ombudsman, Mel Holley has announced his retirement.
29. April 2015
At a time when the number of homeschooled children is on the rise in Québec, the Québec Ombudsman notes that supervision and follow up of their learning by educational institutions is spotty and sometimes inadequate.
23. April 2015
The IOI General Secretariat is pleased to present the IOI Annual Report for the membership year 2013/2014, which once again provides details about the IOI’s achievements in the past operational year. The English, French and Spanish version of this Annual Report is now available online!
23. April 2015
The Human Rights Defender addressed the Director General of the Prison Service with a request considering special dietary requirements of prisoners respecting their religious, cultural or philosophical beliefs.
20. April 2015
Karachi Metropolitain Corporation paid General Provident Fund to a retired government employee on the orders of Mr. Asad Ashraf Malik, Provincial Ombudsman Sindh (Pakistan). According to the details, the government servant had retired as Public Relation Officer. The department was delaying the legitimate dues of General Provident Fund, on flimsy pretexts.
20. April 2015
A Speech had been held by the Ombudsman for Children, Dr. Niall Muldoon, at the National Conference „Healthy Food for All - Towards a National Response to Food Poverty for Children and Young People in Ireland“.
16. April 2015
The Québec Ombudsman launched its new website on April 14, 2015. This mobile-friendly website is resolutely geared to users’ needs.