20. Juli 2023
Los días 25 y 26 de mayo de 2023, el presidente de Control Yuan, Chen Chu, el presidente y miembro de la Comisión de Finanzas y Economía, Shih Chin-Fang, y otros miembros visitaron varias instituciones para obtener más información sobre la aplicación de la energía verde y las tecnologías 5G AIoT, el desarrollo de la industria de la energía eólica marina y el desarrollo de talentos.
20. Juli 2023
The Office of the Ombudsman in Malawi has released its 2022 Annual Report, highlighting some of the successes registered in the year under review and prospects for 2023. Ombudsman Grace Malera presented the report before the Legal Affairs Committee of Parliament on Tuesday, 4 July 2023.
20. Juli 2023
El Gobierno de la Generalitat aprobó un nuevo modelo de atención al ciudadano que incluye dos medidas que el Síndic venía reclamando desde hace tiempo. En primer lugar, se ha suprimido la preinscripción obligatoria para acceder a servicios y trámites. En segundo lugar, la Generalitat ha anunciado que el teléfono de información ciudadana 012 será gratuito.
20. Juli 2023
The regular working meeting of the Forum for Dialogue between the Ombudsperson’s Institution and Civil Society Organizations was held on Thursday 14 July 2023, in Pristina. In this meeting, the cooperation of the Ombudsperson and civil society in undertaking joint initiatives for the protection of basic human rights and freedoms in the country was highly appreciated. 
20. Juli 2023
Join the African Ombudsman Research Centre (AORC), a research and training arm of the African Ombudsman and Mediators' Association (AOMA), for an essential webinar on "Strengthening Cyber Security in Ombudsman Institutions" on Tuesday, 25 July 2023 from 10:00 am - 11:30 am (GMT+2). 
20. Juli 2023
C’est une coutume pour le Médiateur du Faso de rendre une visite de courtoisie aux autorités coutumières et religieuses. A Banfora, le mercredi 12 juillet 2023, le Médiateur du Faso, madame Fatimata SANOU/TOURE a rencontré les leaders des communautés coutumières, musulmane, protestante et catholique de Banfora.
20. Juli 2023
The Office of the People's Advocate (Ombudsman) of Moldova has published its Report on Human Rights and Freedoms in the Republic of Moldova in 2022. The Report presents essential information from the work of the People's Advocate containing a collection of emergency and planned activities, aimed to support and encourage the national authorities to advance on human rights. 
20. Juli 2023
The Office of the National Ombudsman of Brazil (PFDC) has published its Management Report 2020 - 2022. Among the body’s various agendas are the migratory crisis, the fight against homotransphobia and racism, the defence of women’s rights, human rights at the corporate level, freedom of expression, adequate food, the forced disappearance of people and the promotion of human rights.