Your search results for „checklist for high priori”
Webinar on “Open Governance and Privacy in a Post-Snowden World”
On September the 10th, 2015, a webinar on “Open Governance and Privacy in a Post-Snowden World” sponsored by the OGP Support Unit, the Open Government Guide, and the World Bank will be held from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. Carly Nyst, Independent consultant and former Legal Director of Privacy International and Javier Ruiz, Policy Director of Open Rights Group will present and discuss the chapter “Privacy and Data Protection” which they contributed to the Open Government Guide.
The Defensor del Pueblo presents the Annual Report 2015
The Defensor del Pueblo Annual Report 2015 presented before the Parliament reflects the changes in the manner of operation of this institution, as well as in the work itself. The principle intent of these changes has been to establish a better relationship with citizens based on their right to know the actions and reasons of public administration, and of all public institutions and affairs that affect or interest them.
Ombudsman Saskatchewan sees complaints increase of 22% in 2015
Mary McFadyen, Saskatchewan’s Ombudsman and Public Interest Disclosure Commissioner, released the Ombudsman Saskatchewan Annual Report 2015 and the Public Interest Disclosure Commissioner Annual Report 2015 today. The Ombudsman received 22% more complaints in 2015 than in 2014. In addition, the Ombudsman’s jurisdiction was expanded in November to include municipalities.
Human Rights Defender publishes report on rights of persons with mental health issues in psychiatric institutions
The Human Rights Defender as National Preventive Mechanism has prepared and published an ad hoc report on “Ensuring rights of persons with mental health issues in psychiatric institutions”. The report presents in a systemized way the gross violations identified during the unannounced visits to psychiatric institutions conducted by the NPM subdivision and experts (lawyers, psychologist, psychiatrist, physicians and sociologist) in 2017.
The Human Rights Defender finds concerning attitudes on social media towards advocates
Recently, there have been situations when advocates defending people of negative reputation or negative public perception are insulted and threatened on social media. The Human Rights Defender asks social media account holders to take into consideration that the performance by advocates of their professional duties is indispensable to the process of administration of justice. It is impossible to have justice without proper performance by advocates of their professional activities, which is based on the rule of law.
Europe Conference and General Assembly held in Brussels
The European Region of the IOI held its quadrennial Conference and General Assembly in Brussels from 1 – 3 October 2018. On the occasion of its 20th anniversary, the event was hosted by the Federal Ombudsman of Belgium, Catherine De Bruecker and Guido Herman, and their office.
Seminario Internacional sobre drogas, mujeres y encarcelamiento en América Latina
En 18 de octubre de 2018 el Procurador Penitenciario Dr. Francisco Mugnolo presentó el seminario “Drogas: de la prohibición a la regulación. Resistencias y desafíos” en la Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. La actividad se realizó en el marco del Proyecto de Visibilización del Impacto de las Políticas de Drogas impulsado por la Procuración Penitenciaria.
Advisory Council on the Prevention of Torture discussed system of the deprivation of liberty
Current challenges on guarantying the rights of persons deprived of liberty were discussed during the extended session of the Advisory Council on the Prevention of Torture. Particularly, fundamental issues with regard to the new procedure of the early conditional release were dealt with, such as ensuring the right of access to court.
Seimas Ombudsman calls Parliament to avoid initiatives limiting independence of national broadcaster
The Seimas Ombudsman Augustinas Normantas has urged the Parliament to avoid the initiatives that would have a political and/or economic influence on the public broadcaster, thus violating the provisions of Article 10 of the ECtHR.
Greek Ombudsman celebrates 20th anniversary
The Greek Ombudsman, a constitutionally endorsed independent authority, is celebrating its 20th anniversary. More than 1.000.000 citizens who have come to contact with the services of the Authority throughout the years — according to the data held by the Ombudsman — are also celebrating with us.
12th IOI World Conference / 12ème Conférence mondiale de l'IIO / 12a Conferencia Mundial del IIO
REMINDER: 12th IOI World Conference – please complete the 'Expression of Interest' form today RAPPEL : 12ème Conférence mondiale de l'IIO - Veuillez compléter le formulaire de déclaration d’intérêt aujourd’hui RECORDATORIO: 12a Conferencia Mundial del IIO – por favor, complete el día de hoy el formulario de expresión de interés
5ème séminaire du réseau IPCAN
Les 17 et 18 octobre 2019, le Défenseur des droits et l’Agence des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne (FRA) co-organisent le 5e séminaire du réseau Independent Police Complaints Authorities’ Network (IPCAN) à Paris.
Protéger les droits fondamentaux à l’ère de l’intelligence artificielle
Ce lundi 14 décembre, George Pau-Langevin, adjointe à la Défenseure des droits chargée de la lutte contre les discriminations et de la promotion de l’égalité a participé à la conférence en ligne « L’IA au sein de l’Union Européenne : Protéger les droits fondamentaux à l’ère de l’intelligence artificielle », organisée par l’Agence des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne (FRA) et la Présidence Allemande du Conseil de l’Europe.
Administration of justice on sexual violence crimes against women in Georgia
On 8 December 2020, the Public Defender of Georgia and the Council of Europe held a joint online conference and presented the findings of the study conducted with the support of the Council of Europe on the administration of justice on sexual violence crimes against women.
Ombudsman reminded leaders on 13 days period to submit annual returns
The Ombudsman of the Republic of Vanuatu, Mr Hamlison Bulu yesterday reminded all persons who are classified as leaders pursuant to Article 67 of the Constitution of the Republic of Vanuatu and Section 5 of the Leadership Code Act that they only have 13 days to submit their annual returns.
Chancellor of Justice received the highest international recognition
The Chancellor of Justice received the A-status accreditation as a national human rights institution by the GANHRI Sub-Committee on Accreditation (SCA). The decision on accreditation preceded by a submission of a comprehensive statement on the independence, mandate and composition of the institution of the Chancellor of Justice, and an oral hearing by the SCA in December last year.
Ombudsman says Victoria must continue to address workplace culture and human rights
Despite prisons being inherently challenging environments, it is disturbing that allegations of excessive force against prisoners do not appear to be declining, Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass said. In 2019 and 2020, the Ombudsman began investigating complaints about the unreasonable use of force at the Metropolitan Remand Centre and Metropolitan Assessment Prison.
Western Australian Ombudsman reports on the Public Advocate’s progress to give effect to his recommendations
On 18 October 2022, the Western Australian Ombudsman and President of the International Ombudsman Institute released his report on giving effect to the recommendations arising from An investigation into the Office of the Public Advocate’s role in notifying the families of Mrs Joyce Savage, Mr Robert Ayling and Mr Kenneth Hartley of the deaths of Mrs Savage, Mr Ayling and Mr Hartley.
Victorian Ombudsman presents second Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan
In its second Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (December 2022 – December 2024), the Victorian Ombudsman Office reflects on its ongoing commitment to reconciliation with the First Peoples of Australia.
The Human Rights Ombudsman attends a seminar on preserving the psychophysical health of families of children with special needs
On 9 August 2023, Human Rights Ombudsman Peter Svetina participated in the seminar entitled Ohranjanje psihofizičnega zdravja družin otrok s posebnimi potrebami (Preserving the psychophysical health of families of children with special needs), organised by Zveza Sožitje in Izola. Ombudsman Svetina believes that it is important that we are aware of the importance of preserving the psychophysical health of families every day, especially in these times when many families are facing the consequences of the natural disaster.