Your search results for „checklist for high priori”
Shadow Report to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD)
Ombudswoman Tena Šimonović Einwalter submitted in July 2023 to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) a Shadow Report on the Implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination in Croatia.
The Ombudsman Institution releases 2022 Annual Report
In accordance with the national legislative framework, the Institution of the Human Rights Ombudsman of Bosnia and Herzegovina submits an Annual Report on the results of its work in the previous year to the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the legislatures of the entities – the National Assembly of Republika Srpska and the Parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The annual report 2022 is now available.
Yukon Ombudsman releases second report on Hidden Valley School
The Ombudsman has released his second report regarding the sexualized abuse at Hidden Valley Elementary School (HVES), which evaluates the Department of Education’s Safer Schools Action Plan.
Malawi Parliament acts on Ombudsman Report
The Legal Affairs Committee of Parliament in Malawi has been meeting senior officials from various Government Ministries and Departments that have in the last ten years failed to comply with determinations from the Office of the Ombudsman.
Chief Ombudsman investigation into Associate Health Minister’s refusal to release information on author of tobacco policy advice
The Chief Ombudsman has referred record keeping issues identified during his investigation into an official information complaint against Associate Health Minister Casey Costello to the Chief Archivist. Peter Boshier began an investigation after he received a complaint about the Associate Minister’s refusal to release information on ‘who’ wrote or compiled notes she used to formulate the government’s tobacco policy.
Ombudsperson’s Annual Report highlights how one complaint about public services can benefit many British Columbians
BC Ombudsperson, Jay Chalke, released his office’s 2023/24 Annual Report on 19 September 2024. The report highlights the work of his office, under the Ombudsperson Act and Public Interest Disclosure Act, to improve public administration across BC’s public sector.
Own Initiative Investigation into possible systemic maladministration within the Corradino Correctional Facility
In 2021, as a result of persistent media reports, alleging violations of basic human rights and non-observance of prison regulations within the Corradino Correctional Facility, and after NGO “Moviment Graffitti” wrote to the Ombudsman highlighting these concerns, the Ombudsman Mr Anthony Mifsud decided to conduct this investigation in accordance with sub-article (2) of Article 13 of the Ombudsman Act (Cap. 385).
La Defensora pide abogado de oficio para hacer valer las opiniones de menores en procesos judiciales
La Defensora del Pueblo, Soledad Becerril, ha presentado en las Cortes Generales un estudio que analiza si los menores son adecuadamente escuchados en los procedimientos judiciales que les afectan, si sus opiniones se toman en cuenta y si se respeta su interés superior, como establece la Convención de Naciones Unidas sobre los Derechos del Niño.
Use of restraint beds in prisons poses significant risk of breaching the prohibition against inhumane treatment
The Parliamentary Ombudsman has studied the use of restraint beds in Norwegian prisons in more detail over the past six months and has criticised the use of restraint beds in prisons following several visits. This article looks at some of the most important findings and what they mean.
General Assembly adopts by-laws reform and Dublin Declaration
On 25 May 2021 the IOI General Assembly was held by virtual means and hosted by the Office of the Irish Ombudsman Peter Tyndall. The General Assembly brought together 130 IOI member institutions to hear presentations from the IOI Board of Directors on the organization’s services, development and achievements in the past years and to adopt two major reform to the IOI By-laws, in order to guarantee that the IOI becomes a more inclusive, transparent and democratic organization.
L’Ombudsman de l’Ontario appuie les Principes de Venise comme fondements juridiques puissants pour les institutions d’ombudsman
Prenant la parole devant des collègues du Canada et d’ailleurs dans le monde, l’Ombudsman de l’Ontario Paul Dubé a accueilli favorablement cette semaine les nouvelles normes internationales qui définissent, promeuvent et protègent le rôle des ombudsmen dans le renforcement de la démocratie et la promotion des droits fondamentaux.
Consommation - la quête du bonheur jusque dans l’illusion
Austrian Ombudsman Board
The members of the Austrian Ombudsman Board annually submit a report to the National Council and to the Federal Council outlining the institution's work, priorities, and main findings of the past year. The international edition of the 2009 report is now out.
El Secretario General del I.I.O. se reúne con la Presidenta del CIC
El Secretario General y Presidente de la Oficina del Ombudsman de Austria, Peter Kostelka, participó en la 10ª conferencia internacional de Instituciones Nacionales de Derechos Humanos que se celebró del 7 al 10 de octubre de 2010 en Edimburgo.
Ombudsman de la Défense nationale et des Forces préoccupé par le traitement de plusieurs familles de militaires
L’Ombudsman de la Défense nationale et des Forces canadiennes, est de plus en plus préoccupé par la façon dont sont traitées plusieurs familles de militaires qui ont perdu un être cher pendant que ce dernier servait son pays.
Consommation - la quête du bonheur jusque dans l’illusion
On ne manque pas de trouver dans l’habituelle critique de la société de consommation un peu de ce « mal du siècle » qui introduit une comparaison avec les sociétés rurale et industrielle précédentes.
El consumo - la búsqueda de la felicidad hasta en la ilusión
En la crítica habitual de la sociedad de consumo aparece reiteradamente el concepto del “mal del siglo” que conduce a comparar las sociedades rural e industrial precedentes.
Declaración institucional del Ararteko con motivo del día internacional del pueblo gitano
El día internacional del pueblo gitano se celebra el 8 de abril. La Defensoría del Pueblo del País Vasco constata que se producen situaciones de desigualdad de trato y discriminación en el plano social, alimentados por prejuicios y estereotipos que son injustos y erróneos.
AOB releases international edition of its annual report 2010
The International Version of the AOB's 2010 Annual Report has now been released. It provides an outline of the activities of the three members of the AOB during the year as well as an overview of international activities, including International Ombudsman Institute (I.O.I) activities and bilateral contacts.´It also includes examples of human rights related cases which the AOB has had to resolve in 2010 when assessing complaints about maladministration and infringements of administrative law by public authorities.
La Defensoría del Pueblo invoca al próximo gobierno a priorizar educación de los pueblos indígenas
"Los niños, niñas y adolescentes indígenas, tanto de la Amazonía como de la zona andina, no están recibiendo una educación intercultural bilingüe de calidad, lo cual constituye un serio problema en el ámbito educativo de nuestro país", afirmó esta mañana el Defensor del Pueblo (e), Eduardo Vega Luna, durante la presentación del Informe Defensorial N°152, denominado "Aportes para una Política Nacional de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe a favor de los pueblos indígenas del Perú".