8. November 2021
EN: The Ararteko is releasing a magazine, where the key points of its 2020 Annual Report are summarised, in English for the first time in order to contribute to the sharing of experiences and expertise with other similar institutions.


FR : Pour contribuer à l'échange d'expériences et de connaissances avec d'autres institutions similaires, l'Ararteko publie pour la première fois un magazine qui souligne les aspects les plus significatifs de son rapport annuel 2020 en français.

5. November 2021
The Inspectorate of Government, Uganda has a new Inspector General of Government and Deputy Inspectors General of Government. Hon. Beti Kamya Turwomwe has been appointed Inspector General of Government; Dr Patricia Achan Okiria amd Ms Anne Twinimugisha Muhairwe are the new Deputy Inspector General of Government.
4. November 2021
The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) published a summary of an investigation which found three vulnerable people living in the UK were locked out of accessing the justice system to challenge deportation orders, because of conflicting government procedures and lengthy delays.
3. November 2021
In partnership with the Office of the Victims’ Rights Advocate (OVRA), GANHRI has released a guide for National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) on supporting victims of sexual exploitation and abuse.
3. November 2021
The UK Government has introduced new legislation, which would seriously impact on the powers of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO).  On 18 October 2021, the Venice Commission issued an opinion on the possible exclusion of the PHSO as provided for by the Health and Care Bill. The International Ombudsman Institute strongly endorses the Venice Commission’s findings and also issues a statement or support for the UK colleague.
3. November 2021
IOI Secretary General Werner Amon followed an invitation from the Ombudsman of Colombia, Carlos Ernesto Camargo Assis, to participate in an international Ombudsman meeting on “Migration and Refuge – Rights at Risk”, which took place in Cartagena (Columbia) from 19 – 21 October 2021.
3. November 2021
For half a century, the ombudsman's office has been offering free advice and mediation to the citizens of Zurich. Today, it handles around 1600 cases a year.
3. November 2021
Gabriel Savino y Jorge Henn se comprometieron a realizar gestiones de facilitación para que el Ministerio de Educación evalúe los planteos realizados por estos padres y madres, vinculados con el retorno a la presencialidad plena y la apertura de comedores escolares, entre otros.