27. Mai 2021
El Defensor del Pueblo (e.f.), Francisco Fernández Marugán, ha asegurado este martes que “el proceso de vacunación está desarrollándose de forma muy positiva” en nuestro país. En su comparecencia ante la Comisión Mixta de Relaciones con el Defensor del Pueblo, Fernández Marugán ha revelado que la Institución no ha recibido “ninguna queja” sobre dicho reparto.
27. Mai 2021
La adjunta de Igualdad y Violencia de Género, Beatriz Barrera, y la asesora de la Diputación del Común, Amanda Armas, se reunieron por videoconferencia con la directora del Instituto Canario de Igualdad (ICI), Kika Fumero, en aras de establecer pautas de colaboración y coordinación entre ambas instituciones en aquellos casos relacionados con la Igualdad y la Violencia de Género en el Archipiélago.
27. Mai 2021
Peter Boshier, Chief Ombudsman of New Zealand, presents the office’s Quarterly Review for Autumn 2021, which is now available online.
27. Mai 2021
A new paper by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) reveals the differences between people’s experiences with police stops. It shows that Black people, Asians and Roma are still more likely to be stopped and searched by police, which also affects their trust in policing. FRA will continue providing EU countries with data and guidance to support them in ensuring their policing practices respect people’s fundamental rights.
27. Mai 2021
The Ombudsman's Office is publishing a small collection entitled "pandemic notebooks", three studies on the extraordinary times we live in. The first focuses on the general topic of education; the second on homelessness; and the third reflects on rule of law problems.
27. Mai 2021
The Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman (NIPSO) published an overview report into the use of restrictive practices in Northern Ireland school, covering the varioius recurring themes in relation to restrictive practices in school identified by NIPSO’s maladministration investigations.
27. Mai 2021
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman Rob Behrens was pleased to present a new study at the IOI World Conference: The Art of the Ombudsman: leadership through international crisis. The study sets out the findings of an international research project initiated by Rob with support from the International Ombudsman Institute and the University of Glasgow.
26. Mai 2021
El defensor del Pueblo de la provincia de Santa Fe, Raúl Lamberto, asumió este 25 de mayo la Presidencia de la Región Caribe y América Latina del Instituto Internacional del Ombudsman (IIO) en el marco de la Asamblea General del Instituto Internacional del Ombudsman celebrada de manera online este martes.