30. April 2021
The Ombudsman consulted the Secretary of State for Finance, in order to ascertain the Secretary of State for Finance's interpretation of the current version of Decree-Law no. 10-J/2020, of 26.03, and received a clarification from him, in line with the Ombudsman's interpretation, that bank loans to higher education students are included within the scope of the public moratorium.
30. April 2021
This week's Ombudsman's investigation of the Victorian Ombudsman into the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions' administration of the Business Support Fund demonstrates the impact of a poorly executed grant scheme, which may cost the State Government up to $120 million in paying back up to 12,000 business owners.
30. April 2021
The Canadian Council of Parliamentary Ombudsman (CCPO) has asked the IOI Secretariat to distribute a short survey on COVID-19 Vaccine Passports among its IOI members.
30. April 2021
El próximo viernes 30 de abril a las 14 hs se llevará adelante el lanzamiento virtual de una nueva etapa de la Ley Micaela. Esta ley, nombrada así en conmemoración de Micaela García, una joven entrerriana de 21 años, víctima de femicidio, fue promulgada el 10 de enero de 2019 estableciendo en sus bases la capacitación obligatoria en género y violencia de género para todas las personas que se desempeñan en la función pública, en los poderes Ejecutivo, Legislativo y Judicial de la Nación.
29. April 2021
An interim report on alleged illegal pushbacks of foreign nationals from Greece to Turkey, in the area of Evros river was published by the Ombudsman, on April 28, 2021. The report provides a brief, concise overview of the Ombudsman’s own-initiative inquiry from June 2017 through the end of 2020.
29. April 2021
El pasado 15 de abril de 2021el Congreso de los Diputados aprobó el poyecto de la Ley Orgánica de Protección Integral a la Infancia a la Adolescencia.

El trabajo que viene realizando esta Institución como Defensor del Menor de Andalucía, junto con el Ararteko y el Síndic de Greuges, ha merecido el reconocimiento como agentes que han contribuido con su trabajo a la aprobación del Proyecto de la Ley Orgánica de Protección Integral a la Infancia y a la Adolescencia frente a la violencia.

29. April 2021
On April 26th, 2021 the Ombudsman of Sint Maarten, Gwendolien Mossel, after careful consideration, submitted the three national ordinances, in connection with cuts to the employment benefits of all (semi) public sector workers, to the Constitutional Court for review. The three national ordinances are: the Temporary National Ordinance Covid-19 cuts, Temporary National Ordinance to amend the terms of employment of political authorities and Temporary National Ordinance on the standardization of top incomes and adjustment of employment conditions at (semi-) public sector entities.
23. April 2021
Given the concerns of a large number of citizens regarding allegations of the collection and use of their personal data by a political entity, specifically the Socialist Party of Albania, the Institution of the People's Advocate states that obtaining and using personal data of citizens by any political party is illegal, unless the citizens themselves have given a special written authorization for their use for the permitted purpose, or for other concrete cases provided by the legislation in force.