14. Oktober 2021
Se celebra el primer aniversario de la fundación de la Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos del Yuan de Control (YC), publicándose el informe intermedio sobre los derechos humanos de los tripulantes extranjeros en buques de pesca
14. Oktober 2021
The South Australian Ombudsman’s 2020-21 Annual Report was tabled in parliament today. The Ombudsman, Mr Wayne Lines, reported that his office responded to 3,780 complaints about state and local government.
14. Oktober 2021
Austrian Ombudsman and IOI Secretary General Werner Amon welcomed EU Ombudsman Emily O’Reilly in Vienna for a bilateral exchange and to discuss the importance of Ombudsman networks in advancing collective knowledge about transparent public administration, good governance and the rule of law.
14. Oktober 2021
El Defensor del Pueblo andaluz, Jesús Maeztu, ha abogado por un proceso de implantación de instalaciones de energías renovables en la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía "ordenado y planificado, teniendo en cuenta las afecciones que pueda tener sobre la biodiversidad y el territorio".
14. Oktober 2021
The Head of the Seimas Ombudsmen’s Office, Mr Augustinas Normantas, hosted a meeting with the Director of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), Mr Michael O’Flaherty.
14. Oktober 2021
La Défenseure des droits, Claire Hédon, publié le premier volet de sa contribution à l’élaboration de la Stratégie française sur l’égalité, l’inclusion et la participation des Roms, portant sur les droits des « Gens du voyage ». Elle alerte sur les discriminations systémiques vécues par les gens du voyage et les insuffisances tant quantitatives que qualitatives en matière d’aires d’accueil.
14. Oktober 2021
In anticipation of the international online conference on the theme "Advancing the rights of older people in an age of longevity", which will take place on 1 December 2021, you are kindly requested to fill out this online questionnaire on the role of the ombudsman in advancing the rights of older people. The data obtained from the questionnaire will be presented during the conference. Please submit the questionnaire by 22 October 2021.
13. Oktober 2021
IOI President Chris Field contributed an official statement on the occasion of the 5th International Conference on “Human Rights Protection in Eurasia: Exchange of Best Practices of Ombudspersons”, which was organized by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation on 12 October 2021.