29. Oktober 2021
The Australian Commonwealth Ombudsman’s 2020–21 Annual Report has been published. The report provides an overview of the 2020–21 financial year for the Office, detailing the performance of the Office’s core work. This is the first Annual Report delivered by Acting Commonwealth Ombudsman Ms Penny McKay.
28. Oktober 2021
Following the annual Government Report on the Operation of the State and County Prisons and Juvenile Correctional Institutions, which recorded nine inmate deaths in the entire prison system during the course of 2020, Ombudswoman Tena Šimonović Einwalter instigated an investigation procedure in this matter.
28. Oktober 2021
The Public Defender of Rights of the Czech Republic presents the English version of its Annual Report 2020. It provides comprehensive information about the activities of the Public Defender of Rights of the Czech Republic in all areas of his mandate.
28. Oktober 2021
The Victorian Ombudsman has experienced unprecedented demand for its services with complaints to the office about public organisations reaching record highs. Tabling her 2020-21 Annual Report in Parliament today, Ombudsman Deborah Glass said the decisions of public servants neglecting human rights in their decision-making led to many of the complaints.
27. Oktober 2021
El defensor a cargo, Gabriel Savino, mantuvo, este martes, una reunión de trabajo con el decano de la facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR), Gustavo Marini, con el objetivo de fortalecer los vínculos institucionales y complementar el trabajo entre la academia y el Estado.
27. Oktober 2021
A meeting between the Ombudsman of Portugal, Maria Lúcia Amaral, and the Ombudsman of Angola, Antonia Florbela Araújo, was held in Lisbon on 12 October 2021, to hold a working meeting and sign a Cooperation Agreement between the two institutions.
25. Oktober 2021
En su reciente visita a la región, el Procurador Penitenciario de la Nación inauguró las nuevas oficinas de la Delegación Litoral y firmó convenios con autoridades de la Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA) sede Paraná y de la Universidad Católica de Santa Fe (UCSF).
25. Oktober 2021
La Defensoría del Pueblo de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires junto a la Comisión de Derechos Humanos de la Ciudad de México (CDHCM) y con auspicio de la Alianza Global del Ombudsperson Local (AGOL), se unen para realizar un ciclo de charlas sobre el Derecho a la Ciudad, que se llevará a cabo a través de 4 encuentro virtuales.