20. April 2021
The Parliamentary Ombudsman Hanna Harlem submitted the annual reports for 2020 to the Second Vice President of the Storting, Morten Wold.
20. April 2021
The Office of the Ombudsperson of Kosovo published its 2020 Annual Report. Additionally, it presented its Report as national Preventive Mechanism pursuant to OPCAT and a Compilation of Reports Addressed to Relevant Authorities during 2020.
16. April 2021
The New Zealand Office of the Ombudsman warmly invites you to attend an international Zoom webinar “Making Disability Rights Real in a Pandemic" to be held on Thursday 29 April 2021. Registration is now open.
16. April 2021
In compliance with Section (1) of Act CXI of 2011 on the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, on 31 March 2021, the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights submitted his report to the Parliament on his activities in 2020. Simultaneously, the report has also been published on the website of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights.
16. April 2021
Destacan la necesidad de visibilizar el papel de la mujer como cuidadora profesional La adjunta de Igualdad y la presidenta del Colegio Oficial de Enfermería de Las Palmas se reúnen para impulsar la representatividad de la mujer en cargos directivos de esta materia.
16. April 2021

IOI 12th World Conference and General Assembly - conference website updated and online.

12a Conferencia Mundial y Asamblea General del IIO - página web actualizado y disponible en línea.

12e Conférence mondiale et Assemblée générale de l'IIO - site web de la conférence mis à jour et disponible en ligne.


16. April 2021
Please find attached a statement of IOI President, Mr. Peter Tyndall, IOI Regional President for Europe, Mr. Rafael Ribó, and IOI Secretary General, Mr. Werner Amon, as a response to the decision of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal from 15 April 2021.
15. April 2021
Le Défenseur des droits lance ce samedi 10 avril une campagne d’information visant à ancrer la plateforme Antidiscriminations.fr et le numéro de téléphone 39 28 comme un recours et une aide pratique et concrète pour les personnes victimes de discrimination.