7. Mai 2021
Lors de l’assemblée on a parlé des défis futurs et du travail accompli au cours des deux dernières années. Rafael Ribó, jusqu'à présent président du chapitre européen, passera le relais au défenseur grec, Andreas Pottakis.
7. Mai 2021
The assembly discussed future challenges and the work carried out during the last two years. Rafael Ribó, until now president of the European Chapter, will hand over to the Greek Ombudsman, Andreas Pottakis.
6. Mai 2021
Following his investigation into the placement of people under 65 in nursing homes, Ombudsman Peter Tyndall said that those he spoke with told him they had no option but to live in nursing homes due to a lack of support from the State.
6. Mai 2021
El Yuan de Control declaró sobre la sobrecarga ilegal de vehículos pesados que circulan por las autopistas y las zonas de pesaje que no cuentan con presencia de la Policía, por lo que no se prohíbe el tránsito de estos.
6. Mai 2021
On April 26, the Althingi, the Parliament of Iceland, elected Skúli Magnússon, President of the District Court of Reykjavik, as the Parliamentary Ombudsman.
6. Mai 2021
We would like to remind members that the International Ombudsman Institute’s 12th General Assembly and World Conference will take place as an online event from 25 - 27 May 2021. Registration is possible until 15 May 2021.
6. Mai 2021
UNESCO has extended the deadline of the 2021 UNESCO Survey on Public Access to Information (SDG Indicator 16.10.2) to 21 May 2021 and invites IOI members to take part in it.
5. Mai 2021
Este impacto de la pandemia en las actuaciones del Defensor del Pueblo andaluz lo ha destacado hoy el titular de la institución, Jesús Maeztu, en la presentación del Informe Anual 2020 ante la Comisión de Nombramientos, Relaciones con el Defensor del Pueblo Andaluz y Peticiones celebrada en el Parlamento andaluz.