3. Mai 2021
The 2020 annual reports for Saskatchewan’s Ombudsman and Public Interest Disclosure Commissioner, Mary McFadyen, were tabled in the Legislature today. While some complaints to her Office continued as usual, the pandemic affected others. Complaints about long-term care facilities and correctional centres increased, but complaints about Social Services, SGI and Crown utilities decreased. Twelve of the 41 contacts made to her Office under The Public Interest Disclosure Act were related to the pandemic.
3. Mai 2021
Les médiateurs fédéraux David Baele et Jérôme Aass ont remis leur rapport annuel 2020 à la Présidente de la Chambre Eliane Tillieux.
3. Mai 2021
The Action Plan for implementing the Strategy for Improving the Status of Persons with Disabilities in the Republic of Serbia from 2020 to 2024 designates the Protector of Citizens to act as the national monitoring mechanism on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
30. April 2021
City Council on 8 April 2021 unanimously approved the biggest change in police oversight in Toronto's recent history. It asked Ombudsman Toronto to develop a Memorandum of Understanding with the Toronto Police Services Board and the Toronto Police Service, giving the Toronto Ombudsman authority to review the fairness of Toronto Police procedures and programs.
30. April 2021
En el marco del ciclo “Miradas desde la Economía Social y Solidaria en la Lucha contra el Hambre” se realizó un nuevo webinario donde se trasmitieron las experiencias del Programa de Agricultura Urbana de Rosario.
30. April 2021
In order to solve prison overcrowding, the Agency of Corrections (AOC) put accused persons, who are presumed innocent, in the branch prisons of non-prison correction agencies, leading to worse detention conditions than those of actual inmates and violating the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which states that untried persons should be separated from convicted detainees. Therefore, the CY has urged the AOC to review the situation and make improvements.
30. April 2021
Le vendredi 2 avril 2021, le Comité Enfant de l’Association des Ombudsmans et Médiateurs de la Francophonie (AOMF) organisait une formation en ligne sur le rapport « Les effets du Covid-19 sur les droits de l’enfant » du Délégué général aux droits de l’enfant.
30. April 2021
The Ombudsman Institution of the Republic of Turkey is pleased to share the abridged English version of its 2020 Annual Report. The original Annual Report is 582 pages long.