29. Oktober 2020
Dr Freddy Carrión Intriago, Ombudsman of Ecuador, was elected to the role by GANHRI members through an online voting procedure that concluded on 27 October 2020. This election follows the end of Carlos Alfonso Negret Mosquera’s term as Ombudsman of Colombia and as former Chairperson of GANHRI since March 2019.
29. Oktober 2020
The Protector of Citizens, Zoran Pašalić, underlined that journalists’ economic position was one of the most important requirements for the existence of professional and free media and announced that he would insist on setting up a single database on the attacks on journalists, where economic pressures would be singled out as a separate segment.
29. Oktober 2020
Parliamentary Ombudsman Petri Jääskeläinen is expediting the reform of the Act on the Openness of Government Activities (AOGA).
29. Oktober 2020
In a letter addressed to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland, made public on 22 October 2020, the Commissioner raises her concerns about risks to the continuity and the effective functioning of the Polish Ombudsman institution.
29. Oktober 2020
La Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos (NHRC, por sus siglas en inglés) del Yuan de Control comenzó a funcionar oficialmente el día 1 de agosto de 2020.
29. Oktober 2020
Hon’ble Ombudsman Sindh, Pakistan, Mr. Ajaz Ali Khan presented the Annual Report 2019 of the Institution to the Honourable Governor Sindh on 19 October 2020
27. Oktober 2020
On 20 October 2020, the High Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation Tatyana Moskalkova and Secretary-General of the Council of Europe Maria Peichinovich-Burich held a meeting at the House of Human Rights in Moscow.
26. Oktober 2020
Los autónomos se encuentran en una situación más vulnerable y comprometida, ya que muchas veces no disponen de ningún otro recurso que el propio patrimonio