16. April 2021

IOI 12th World Conference and General Assembly - conference website updated and online.

12a Conferencia Mundial y Asamblea General del IIO - página web actualizado y disponible en línea.

12e Conférence mondiale et Assemblée générale de l'IIO - site web de la conférence mis à jour et disponible en ligne.


16. April 2021
Please find attached a statement of IOI President, Mr. Peter Tyndall, IOI Regional President for Europe, Mr. Rafael Ribó, and IOI Secretary General, Mr. Werner Amon, as a response to the decision of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal from 15 April 2021.
15. April 2021
Le Défenseur des droits lance ce samedi 10 avril une campagne d’information visant à ancrer la plateforme Antidiscriminations.fr et le numéro de téléphone 39 28 comme un recours et une aide pratique et concrète pour les personnes victimes de discrimination.
14. April 2021
Ontario Ombudsman Paul Dubé has been named this year’s winner of the Ontario Bar Association’s Tom Marshall Award of Excellence for Public Sector Lawyers, honouring his contributions to public sector law in Ontario.
14. April 2021
L’Ombudsman de l’Ontario Paul Dubé est le lauréat cette année du Prix d’excellence Tom Marshall de l’ABO pour les juristes du secteur public, en reconnaissance de son apport au secteur du droit public en Ontario.
13. April 2021
The Office of the Israel Ombudsman, in conjunction with the College of Safed Law School in northern Israel, is operating a clinic for law students on the subject: The Office of the Israel Ombudsman. The purpose of the clinic is to increase awareness of the Ombudsman's Office among residents of northern Israel, an area with a high concentration of minority populations including Arabs and new immigrants.
13. April 2021
Today marks the launch of the Independent National Whistleblowing Officer (INWO) service for the NHS in Scotland. The date coincides with the implementation of the new National Whistleblowing Standards (the Standards) which also go live today. This was previously agreed by the Scottish Government and the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO), who will take on the new role of INWO.
13. April 2021
Como consecuencia del contexto actual por la pandemia del COVID-19, la Defensoría del Turista porteña y el Servicio de Alergia e Inmunología del Hospital Argerich llevaron a cabo el pasado 8 de abril la jornada informativa virtual “Pasaporte sanitario, un nuevo requisito para viajar. Aspectos médicos y legales”.