15. Februar 2024
On 7 February 2024, the Commonwealth Ombudsman, Iain Anderson, published an investigation report, ‘Taking Liberties’, focussing on whether the Department of Home Affairs and the Australian Border Force has appropriate policies and procedures in place to ensure unlawful non-citizens are removed from Australia in a timely way.
15. Februar 2024
Le 9 février 2024, le protecteur du citoyen, M. Marc-André Dowd, a transmis une lettre à la ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur, Mme Pascale Déry. Il y commente le projet de Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur l’aide financière aux études.
15. Februar 2024
Le 1er février 2024, Ombudsman.be, le réseau belge des Ombudsmans, a tenu son assemblée générale dans les locaux de la Chambre des Représentants. Le réseau regroupe aujourd'hui 30 institutions de médiateurs et ombudsmans institutionnels ( Etat, Régions, communes, … ) et sectoriels ( assurances, secteur postal, énergie, … ).
15. Februar 2024
Veterans Ombud Colonel (Ret’d) Nishika Jardine released an update about the actions Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) took to resolve unfairness in the way it was reducing disability pensions for some Merlo Davidson class action settlement claimants.
8. Februar 2024
The President of the Republic of Malawi, Lazarus Chakwera, has assented to the Ombudsman Amendment Bill, effective 1 February 2024. Ombudsman Grace Malera hailed the Malawi Leader for signing the Bill into law which among other things provides clarity on the broadened mandate of the Office in terms of which organs of government can be investigated.
8. Februar 2024
The Ombudsman of the Republic of Angola, Mrs. Florbela Rocha Araújo, received the Ambassador of the European Union (EU) accredited in Angola, Mrs. Rosário Bento Pais. At the hearing held on 30 January 2024, the Ombudsman requested the support of the EU for the materialization of virtual hearings throughout the country, to increasingly publicize the role of the institution in defending the rights, freedoms, and guarantees of citizens.
8. Februar 2024
The Control Yuan held its 2023 performance review meeting on 18 January 2024. President Chu Chen thanked all Members and partners for their dedicated hard work in the past year.
8. Februar 2024
In a bid to bring its frontline services closer to the public, the Office of the Ombudsman opened its satellite office in Roxas City, Capiz on 30 January 2024. Ombudsman Samuel Martires led the opening of the Ombudsman Assistance Center (OAC) in City Mall Roxas City in partnership with DoubleDragon Corporation President Ferdinand Sia.