29. Februar 2024
El Defensor del Pueblo, Pablo Ulloa, afirmó que es impostergable que se le preste atención al sistema penitenciario de la República Dominicana ya que muchos privados de libertad carecen de atención que garanticen sus derechos y estos centros siguen siendo lugares de origen de crímenes y delitos.
29. Februar 2024
Para la Comisión de Derechos Humanos de la Ciudad de México no es menor el impacto que la violencia de género tiene en las víctimas, a lo que se suma más violencia cuando existe victimización secundaria en cualquier ámbito: institucional, laboral, familiar, social o mediático.
29. Februar 2024
A European Ombudsman inquiry into Frontex’s role in search and rescue operations has shown that the current rules leave the EU’s Border and Coast Guard Agency unable fully to fulfil its fundamental rights obligations and too reliant on Member States to act when boats carrying migrants are in distress.
29. Februar 2024
BC’s Ombudsperson is pleased government has finally apologized for the detention of Doukhobor children in the 1950s and welcomed the Premier’s commitment to further work with the Doukhobor community on the compensation package.
29. Februar 2024
The Ombudsman has released his second report regarding the sexualized abuse at Hidden Valley Elementary School (HVES), which evaluates the Department of Education’s Safer Schools Action Plan.
29. Februar 2024
The Office of the Ombudsman on 21 February 2024, organized an engagement meeting with media in Malawi to give them an update on systemic investigations it has been doing for the past two years into the implementation of the Affordable Input Program (AIP), whose report will soon be released.
29. Februar 2024
Leonardo Cardoso de Magalhães has been inaugurated as the new Federal Public Defender-General of Brazil, following a democratic selection process involving the confidential votes by all DPU members and formal confirmation by the Parliament. His inauguration took place at the Palácio do Planalto, the official workplace of the President of Brazil, in Brasília. 
29. Februar 2024
El 23 de febrero de 2024, el Defensor del Pueblo, Ángel Gabilondo, se reunió en Santa Cruz de Tenerife con el presidente de Canarias, Fernando Clavijo, con quien analizó la situación migratoria en el archipiélago. La consejera de Bienestar Social, Igualdad, Juventud, Infancia y Familia, María Candelaria Delgado, también estuvo presente en la reunión.