20. Mai 2020
The Human Rights Ombudsman has been closely monitoring the coronavirus disease situation in Slovenian and abroad as well as the measures adopted by the state authorities to contain the epidemic and protect the most vulnerable groups of citizens. Many people have also contacted us via email and the toll-free number raising questions and issues.
19. Mai 2020
The Ombudsman’s Office seizes the opportunity to repeatedly call for respect for the principle of proportionality in the interventions of the police and other law enforcement agencies, which in no case and in no way should use the pretext of Covid-19 restrictions (which, moreover, are not respected by themselves), as a reason for the suppression of civil law for peaceful assembly.
18. Mai 2020
‘A call for clarity!’ This is the title of the third joint annual report published by the National Ombudsman, the Ombudsman for Children and the Ombudsman for Veterans, and presented to parliament today by the National Ombudsman, Reinier van Zutphen.
18. Mai 2020
En este informe se presentan los resultados del análisis de la información registrada por la Procuración hasta fines de 2019 de casos de violencia física, amenazas y hostigamientos y de los casos en que la violencia física desencadena otras situaciones violentas como aislamientos prolongados o la escasa o nula alimentación durante el aislamiento.
18. Mai 2020
The Parliamentary Ombudsman has studied the use of restraint beds in Norwegian prisons in more detail over the past six months and has criticised the use of restraint beds in prisons following several visits. This article looks at some of the most important findings and what they mean.
18. Mai 2020
A group of independent UN experts today recalled that "the prohibition of arbitrary detention is absolute even during times of public emergencies" and urged governments worldwide to prevent arbitrary deprivation of liberty in the context of the measures currently adopted for controlling the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
18. Mai 2020
L’attention du Défenseur des droits et de son adjointe, la Défenseure des enfants, a été appelée par plusieurs parents d’élèves exerçant une profession médicale sur les conditions de la réouverture de certaines écoles maternelles et primaires.
14. Mai 2020
Ballarat Council’s CEO and a Director gave personal associates and former colleagues preferential treatment in employment decisions, the Victorian Ombudsman has found.