11. Mai 2020
L'ONE (Office de la naissance et de l'enfance) a édité un document de 12 pages particulièrement complet qui organise ce début de déconfinement dans les milieux d'accueil et qui tente de répondre à toutes les inquiétudes et questions des parents et professionnels des milieux d'accueil.
11. Mai 2020
El Síndic investiga la actuación de la Administración en la gestión de la pandemia del coronavirus en las residencias de la tercera edad. La institución reclama que los datos sean claros, actualizados y transparentes para poder analizar y actuar de forma adecuada frente a la problemática.
11. Mai 2020
Ontario Ombudsman Paul Dubé today marked the first anniversary of the expansion of his mandate to include child protection services and French language services, noting that his office has helped hundreds of young people and Franco-Ontarians in the past year.
11. Mai 2020
L’Ombudsman de l’Ontario, Paul Dubé, a marqué aujourd’hui le premier anniversaire de l’élargissement de son mandat pour inclure les services de protection de l’enfance et les services en français, soulignant que son Bureau est venu en aide à des centaines de jeunes et de Franco-Ontariennes et Franco-Ontariens au cours de l’année écoulée.
11. Mai 2020
La Procuración Penitenciaria efectuó una serie de recomendaciones a los Ministerios de Salud y de Justicia y Derechos Humanos de la Nación en referencia a las políticas sanitarias en las cárceles federales en el marco de la pandemia del COVID-19.
8. Mai 2020
Pursuant to Human Rights Council Resolution on the Right to Privacy in the Digital Age, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights will organise an expert seminar to discuss how artificial intelligence (AI) affects the enjoyment of the right to privacy. The seminar will take place on 27 - 28 May 2020 and will be held online.
6. Mai 2020
The Ombudsman Commission is urging all essential State Entities to maintain reliable services to the people of Papua New Guinea during this 14 day State of Emergency Period to contain any possible spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
6. Mai 2020
With States across the world prescribing that people “stay home” and practice social distancing, it is now clear that housing has become the frontline defence against the coronavirus and home has rarely been more of a life or death situation. Leilani Farha, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing, would like to share COVID-19 Guidance Notes, which NHRIs may find them helpful for their line of work.