11. März 2020
Service users and their families are being left feeling frustrated and suspicious by health and social care providers losing their medical records, a special report by the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales has revealed.
11. März 2020
The Catalan Ombudsman and the IOI started a debate in Europe on artificial intelligence and human rights in Barcelona. The conference brought together institutions, experts, business representatives, Ombudsman and representatives of human rights structures. Participants consider it necessary and urgent to regulate the guarantee of human rights in international treaties, which could be violated by the application of artificial intelligence.
11. März 2020
Ombudsman Susan Opler is pleased to announce that Mr Ciarán Buggle has joined Ombudsman Toronto as the Director of Investigations and Conflict Resolution.
10. März 2020
Representantes de la Asociación de Mediadores de Canarias (MEDIASCAN) presentaron ante la Diputación del Común la implantación de un proyecto de mediación en los institutos del Archipiélago 
9. März 2020
The Chief Ombudsman is calling on the Waikato District Health Board to address overcrowding, and the high use of seclusion and physical restraints, at its Henry Rongomau Bennett Centre. This is the first time he has released his reports into the conditions and treatment of people held in New Zealand’s public health and disability facilities.  All reports on public health and disability facilities will be considered for publication in the future.
9. März 2020
La historia del 8 de marzo está cruzada por situaciones y hechos que muestran un escenario más complejo y rico en acontecimientos marcados por la Primera Guerra Mundial, la Revolución Rusa, la lucha por el sufragio de la mujer, las pugnas entre socialistas y sufragistas, y el creciente auge del sindicalismo de las mujeres durante las primeras décadas del siglo XX en Europa, Estados Unidos y Latinoamérica.
9. März 2020
Cada 8 de marzo se convierte en un día especial para visibilizar las múltiples violencias y desigualdades que afectan a las mujeres y personas LGBT en nuestras sociedades. En Argentina son más de mil las mujeres, personas trans y travestis detenidas en dependencias federales que conforman el 7,2% de la población privada de libertad. 
9. März 2020
In the framework of the National Preventive Mechanism, the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Sabina Aliyeva visited Baku Pre-Trial Detention Facility under auspieces of the Penitentiary Service of the Ministry of Justice.