23. Juni 2020
In the extraordinary circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic where the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia allows necessary deviations from human and minority rights, the Protector of Citizens, as an independent state authority for protection of human rights, has strenghtened the supervision and extended its work to almost 24 hours all seven days a week, so that the citizens of the Republic of Serbia could also in extraordinary circumstances achieve their rights.
22. Juni 2020
Recently, the Control Yuan published the 2019 Annual Report. The report includes 6 case summaries, which are categorized into public expenditures, upholding discipline and safeguarding human rights. In 2019, the Control Yuan received 14,425 people’s complaints and issued 262 investigation reports. Also 18 impeachment and 116 corrective measure cases were proposed.
22. Juni 2020
On Sunday early morning the Human Rights Defender carried out comprehensive monitoring following the interrogation of the parliamentary opposition “Prosperous Armenia” fraction leader. The criminal proceeding involving the “Prosperous Armenia” fraction leader Mr. Gagik Tsarukyan is at the center of the Human Rights Defender’s attention within his legal mandate prescribed by law.
22. Juni 2020
During its annual meeting that took place by electronic means on 18 May 2020, the IOI Board of Directors took decisions on several applications for IOI membership. Welcoming the new members to the IOI family the General Secretariat is pleased to present the main facts and figures of the newly admitted members.
22. Juni 2020
Victoria’s integrity agencies, the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission and the Victorian Ombudsman will pool their expertise to investigate alleged serious misconduct and corruption involving Victorian public officers.
22. Juni 2020
El Síndic propone un pacto de país para abordar la crisis provocada por la COVID-19 que permita cambios radicales e incremento de inversiones en salud, servicios sociales, derechos de los niños y economía.
22. Juni 2020
Les hacemos llegar el reporte semanal “Derechos humanos en perspectiva internacional”, elaborado por el Programa de Observación y Asistencia para el Fortalecimiento Institucional de las Defensorías del Pueblo, que forma parte de la Unidad de Política Institucional de la Defensoría del Pueblo de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.
22. Juni 2020
El defensor del Pueblo, Raúl Lamberto, participó, este viernes, del panel de presentación del tercero de cinco webinar que la institución organizó en el marco de las actividades en homenaje al 30 aniversario de la Defensoría del Pueblo de la provincia de Santa Fe. La “Progresividad en los Derechos Humanos” fue la temática que en esta ocasión nucleó a profesionales y referentes de distintas regiones.