24. Oktober 2019
Public sector agencies are increasingly making use of advice and resources from the Ombudsman. In the Chief Ombudsman’s latest Annual Report, contacts for advice increased by 29%, while more use was being made of guidance material, including the 23 new or updated guides that were published in the 2018/19 year. 
24. Oktober 2019
Complaints to the Victorian Ombudsman increased by 14% over the past year, while the number of protected disclosure (whistleblower) matters looked into has tripled since 2015.
24. Oktober 2019
In 2019 the Ombudsman Gwendolien Mossel and her team embarked on an initiative with the objective of reaching out to the general public, in particular the most vulnerable in the society.
22. Oktober 2019
Children with special educational needs and disabilities are increasingly being failed by the system designed to support them, the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman has found.
22. Oktober 2019
Les 17 et 18 octobre 2019, le Défenseur des droits et l’Agence des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne (FRA) co-organisent le 5e séminaire du réseau Independent Police Complaints Authorities’ Network (IPCAN) à Paris.
22. Oktober 2019
The Ombudsman Commission welcomes the appointment of Ombudsman Richard Pagen as the Acting Chief Ombudsman. He fills the position left vacant by former Chief Ombudsman Michael Dick whose service came to end when he reached the retirement age of 55 on 4th October 2019.
22. Oktober 2019
Hong Kong Ombudsman Winnie Chiu, announced the results of two direct investigations reports: one on “Mechanism for Identifying and Reporting Suspected Child Abuse Cases” and one on “Government’s Planning and Arrangements for Ancillary Facilities for Electric Private Vehicles”.
21. Oktober 2019
El pasado 17 de octubre en la sede de Naciones Unidas en Nueva York, se realizó la presentación de “Probemos Hablando”, un programa de la PPN que busca resolver conflictos utilizando la palabra como herramienta y la mediación como metodología.