12. Mai 2020
BC Ombudsperson Jay Chalke wrote an opinion piece on the role of oversight during the pandemic, which was published in one of the provincial papers past weekend.
12. Mai 2020
The Western Cape Police Ombudsman presents its Annual Performance Report for the 2019-2020 financial year. It seeks to enhance the efficiency of police services and improve relations between the police and communities by investigating complaints of police inefficiency and/or by investigating any breakdown of relations between the police and communities in the Western Cape.
11. Mai 2020
The Human Rights Defender started a discussion proceeding on his own initiative based on the statement about ill-treatment, including beating of the citizen’s son in the psychiatric establishment.
11. Mai 2020
The Ombudsman suggested adaptations of procedures to ensure effective suspension of the practical effects of all tax enforcement proceedings in relation to seizures (or other coercive acts) on the part of the Tax Authority, the Social Security Executive Chambers and the third parties responsible for complying with them, in the cases of banks, paying entities (of salaries or pensions) and debtor entities (of credits of those executed).
11. Mai 2020
The anti-crisis economic plan adopted by the Georgian Government includes important aspects in response to the challenges emerged amid the coronavirus pandemic, however, the plan does not adequately address the needs of persons with disabilities.
11. Mai 2020
L'ONE (Office de la naissance et de l'enfance) a édité un document de 12 pages particulièrement complet qui organise ce début de déconfinement dans les milieux d'accueil et qui tente de répondre à toutes les inquiétudes et questions des parents et professionnels des milieux d'accueil.
11. Mai 2020
El Síndic investiga la actuación de la Administración en la gestión de la pandemia del coronavirus en las residencias de la tercera edad. La institución reclama que los datos sean claros, actualizados y transparentes para poder analizar y actuar de forma adecuada frente a la problemática.
11. Mai 2020
Ontario Ombudsman Paul Dubé today marked the first anniversary of the expansion of his mandate to include child protection services and French language services, noting that his office has helped hundreds of young people and Franco-Ontarians in the past year.