21. Oktober 2019
The Control Yuan hosted the 31st Australasian and Pacific Ombudsman Region (APOR) Conference in Taipei City from 25 - 27 September 2019. The gathering included a work shop on “The Ombudsman’s Role in Human Rights Protection” on 26 September, during which APOR member representatives and foreign guests were invited to share their professional insights and experience as well as case studies.
21. Oktober 2019
The Ombudsman for the Ministry of Interior of Bahrain has recently published its sixth Annual Report covering the period 1 May 2018 to 30 April 2019.In this period the Ombudsman has received 1067 complaints and assistance requests. Ombudsman Nawaf Mohamed Al Moawdah declares that this number reflects the users´ confidence in the impartiality, professionalism and commitment to justice of the Bahrain Ombudsman for the Ministry of Interior.
21. Oktober 2019
In September this year, the Danish Supreme Court announced that the Parliamentary Ombudsman, Mr. Jørgen Steen Sørensen, had passed the test required to become a Supreme Court Justice. This means that Ombudsman Sørensen will take up his post as a Justice in the Danish Supreme Court on 1 November 2019.
21. Oktober 2019
H.E. Justice Hassan Darvishian has been elected as the new President of the General Inspection Organization (GIO) of Iran. He succeeds H.E. Justice Naser Seraj, who held the position in the previous years.
17. Oktober 2019
The 2020 Ombudsplan of the Parliamentary Ombudsman Malta was tabled in Parliament by the President of the House of Representatives, the Hon. Anglu Farrugia. It outlines the 25 principles adopted by the Venice Commission aimed at protecting and promoting ombudsman institutions and compares them to the Maltese legislation. The Ombudsplan also makes recommendations on how the Ombudsman legislation can be strengthened to make the work of the Ombudsman more effective and efficient.
17. Oktober 2019
El ararteko Manuel Lezertua y la adjunta Julia Hernández participan estos días en Sevilla, España, en las XXXIV Jornadas de Coordinación de los Defensores del Pueblo, donde debaten sobre la "La atención a menores extranjeros no acompañados".
17. Oktober 2019
Selon le baromètre réalisé en 2016 par le Défenseur des droits de la France et l’Organisation internationale du travail, l’apparence physique est le 2ème critère de discrimination cité par les demandeurs d’emploi dans leur accès à l’emploi (29% pour les femmes et 20% pour les hommes). Pourtant, le sujet semble peu porté et le contentieux est très faible, tant parce que les victimes de discrimination ont du mal à apporter des éléments probants, que parce que dans leur esprit comme dans celui des recruteurs la prise en compte de l’apparence physique reste trop souvent tolérée, sans prise de conscience de son caractère potentiellement discriminatoire pourtant prévu dans la loi. 
17. Oktober 2019
En el marco de la XIV Conferencia Regional sobre Mujeres de América Latina y el Caribe, que se llevará a cabo en Vitacura Santiago de Chile desde el 4 al 8 de noviembre, la Alianza Global del Ombudsperson Local (AGOL) organizará un evento paralelo. El evento "las Defensorías del Pueblo Locales y los Derechos de las Mujeres" tendrá lugar el 5 de noviembre, a las 12 hs en el Auditorio, de La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO), ubicada en Av. Dag Hammarskjöld 3241, Vitacura.