7. November 2018
The Ombudsman, Ms Connie Lau, declared today, 7th of November, a direct investigation to examine the effectiveness of the Joint Office for Investigation of Water Seepage Complaints in handling water seepage complaints, with a view to making recommendations for improvement.
7. November 2018
Can the data protection agency inspect an ombudsman institution? This was one of the questions that came up during the Poldershop on the General Data Protection Regulation at Schiphol airport on Monday 5 November. The Poldershop was organised by the Dutch National Ombudsman at the request of the IOI European Board.


5. November 2018
Ontario Ombudsman Paul Dubé today confirmed that his office has received more than 1,000 complaints about the Ontario Cannabis Store (OCS) since it opened October 17. Most are from customers frustrated with delayed deliveries, billing problems and poor customer service.


5. November 2018
L’Ombudsman de l’Ontario, Paul Dubé, confirmé le dernier 31 d´octobre que son Bureau a reçu plus de 1 000 plaintes sur la Société ontarienne du cannabis (OCS) depuis l'ouverture de celle-ci le 17 octobre. La plupart des plaintes proviennent de clients frustrés par les retards de livraison, les problèmes de facturation et un mauvais service à la clientèle.
5. November 2018
El Juzgado Federal en lo Criminal y Correccional Nº 1 de Lomas de Zamora hizo lugar a una acción de habeas corpus colectiva interpuesta por un grupo de varones gays alojados en el CPF I de Ezeiza, por encontrase agravadas sus condiciones de detención a partir del alojamiento conjunto con varones heterosexuales.
2. November 2018
Ali Noroozi will be stepping down as the Australian Inspector-General of Taxation (IGT) on Monday 5 November 2018. Mr Noroozi held the office since November 2008. 
2. November 2018
The International Ombudsman Institute and the Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman recently held a joint conference in Belfast to explore best practice in the exercise of ‘Own Initiative’ investigation powers. Held over two days, the conference attracted practitioners, academics and interested parties from around 30 countries.
31. Oktober 2018
The 21st century family no longer relies solely on sexual or blood relations, but on how people choose their co-habitation. Marriage is not the only form of family. Ombudsman Juris Jansons calls for a unified understanding of the concept and protection of the family included in the Constitution (Satversme) and to provide a legal framework for recognizing various forms of family in Latvia.