20. Mai 2019
El Yuan de Control inició una investigación sobre la situación laboral de las personas con discapacidad con el fin de proteger sus derechos humanos fundamentales y defender sus oportunidades laborales. En la investigación se descubrió que las personas con discapacidad se enfrentan a situaciones difíciles como una baja tasa de participación en el mercado laboral, una alta tasa de desempleo, un salario bajo, incluido el trabajo atípico y dificultades para llegar a fin de mes.
17. Mai 2019
The Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, addressed a suggestion for a legislative amendment to the Minister of Labor Solidarity and Social Security in order to revising the invalidity pensions of the two social protection regimes which were penalized by the sustainability factor on the date of their assignment or when they were convoked in old-age pensions at 65 years of age.
17. Mai 2019
En el marco de la semana mundial del parto respetado y con el objetivo de visibilizar la problemática desde las experiencias de embarazo, parto y pos parto que atraviesan las mujeres, se proyectó en la Unidad Nº 31 de Ezeiza la película PARIR de la reconocida documentalista Florencia Mujica.
17. Mai 2019
The 10th Biennial Caribbean Ombudsman Association Conference and Training will be held in Bermuda from 28th – 31st May. The theme for the conference is “Strengthening the Role and Performance of the Ombudsman and Human Rights Institutions in the Caribbean and Latin America”. The training will be facilitated by Dr. Victor Ayeni and the theme will be “Advancing the Ombudsman’s Impact: Roles, Services and Performance”.
17. Mai 2019
In 2017, the Australian Government announced its intention to ratify the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT) treaty. Since then, the Victorian Ombudsman has been actively investigating the practical changes needed to implement OPCAT in Victoria.
15. Mai 2019
A new guide to finding the correct Ombudsman has been launched by Irish Parliament Speaker, Seán Ó Fearghaíl and Rónán Ó Domhnaill, Chair of the Irish Ombudsman Network. The guide features the seven main Irish ‘Ombudsman’ offices and lists other complaint handlers.
15. Mai 2019
The Control Yuan Committee on Judicial and Prison Administration Affairs headed on an inspection visit to three facilities, Kaohsiung Second Prison, Ming Yang High School and Kaohsiung Drug Abuser Treatment Center, administered by the Agency of Corrections under the Ministry of Justice on April 26, 2019.
15. Mai 2019
The Ombudsman of Hong Kong SAR, Ms Winnie Chiu, announced on 15 May 2019 two direct investigations to examine: the monitoring of outsourced street cleansing services by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) and the Government’s management of public toilets.