6. Juni 2019
The Azerbaijani Ombudsman participated in an international scientific-practical conference on the topic of “The Commissioner for Human Rights in the Republic of Tajikistan: achievements and perspectives” organized by the Commissioner for Human Rights of Tajikistan in Dushanbe.


6. Juni 2019
El convenio firmado por los representantes de ambas instituciones busca establecer un ámbito de acuerdo para la cooperación , desarrollo y coordinación de acciones vinculadas a la temática de la violencia laboral.
31. Mai 2019
Speaking at the publication of his annual report for 2018 Mr Tyndall said that the Office of the Ombudsman received more than 3,300 complaints about public services last year. Complaints from the public to Irish Ombudsman and International Ombudsman Institute President Peter Tyndall rose by 11% in 2018.


31. Mai 2019
The Ombudsman serves Parliament and Western Australians by resolving complaints about the decision making of public authorities and improving the standard of public administration. The Ombudsman is an officer of the Parliament, independent of the government of the day and acts impartially of all parties in dispute.
31. Mai 2019
La Asociación de Defensores del Pueblo de la República Argentina (Adpra) lanzó una aplicación móvil para relevar el cumplimiento por parte de los supermercados adheridos al programa Precios Esenciales, por el cual las empresas aceptaron congelar el valor de 64 productos por seis meses.
29. Mai 2019
Ambulance Victoria has agreed to Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass’s recommendation that it stop charging people $532 for ‘treatment without transport’ when an ambulance is called by a third party.
27. Mai 2019
The senior advisor of the Ombudsman Institution participated at the ENNHRI’s Working Group meeting on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, as a member of the group, in Brussels, Belgium on May 14, 2019. More than 20 representatives of the states and several European organizations attended the event.
27. Mai 2019
El Juzgado Federal en lo Criminal y Correccional N° 2 de Morón dio lugar a la acción de habeas corpus correctivo interpuesta por la PPN a raíz de las malas condiciones del centro médico del CPF II y las deficiencias en la atención médica.