15. April 2019
Chaque année, le Collège des médiateurs présente son rapport à la Chambre des représentants, au Ministre des Pensions et au Comité consultatif pour le secteur des Pensions. Le rapport annuel de l'année 2018 a été publiée sur le site Internet du Collège des médiateur pour les pensions.
15. April 2019
The Ombudsman in conjunction with the Commonwealth Secretariat recently held roundtable discussions on equality and inclusion understood in the context of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRH) in Namibia. The discussions also included the context of sexual orientation and gender identity in Namibia. The week-long discussions saw stakeholders from the Education, civil society; NGOs, government and other sectors share their experiences and challenges pertaining to the two issues at hand.
15. April 2019
The Azerbaijani Ombudsman met with Mr. Menno Ettema, program manager, anti-discrimination department of CoE and Anca Sandescu, project manager, capacity building and co-operation projects unit, gender equality division of CoE at the Office of the Ombudsman.
15. April 2019
On 15 March 2019, the “Principles on the Protection and Promotion of the Ombudsman Institution”, (“The Venice Principles”) were adopted by the Venice Commission. A translation of the text into Italian has been made available by the Office of the Ombudsman of the Autonomous Province of Trento a (Italy).
11. April 2019
The Parliamentary Ombudsman, Mr Anthony C. Mifsud, presented the Case Notes 2018 to the President of the House of Representatives, the Hon. Anglu Farrugia. This year’s edition, as usual, tries to report cases that are of general interest and represent a good cross-section of the complaints investigated by the Ombudsman and the Commissioners.
11. April 2019
La Defensoría del Pueblo recomendó dejar sin efecto el proceso de contratación de más de 400 profesionales y personal técnico del Hospital Regional de Tumbes, por presuntas irregularidades que ponen en riesgo la transparencia y el principio de la legalidad de dicha convocatoria.
11. April 2019
La Defensoría del Pueblo abrirá una queja contra el Sistema Penitenciario después de que la Oficina de Protección de los Derechos Humanos de las Personas Privadas de Libertad encontrara en la Cárcel de Deborah una persona privada de libertad con posibles problemas psiquiátricos que permanece en condiciones inhumanas. Además, el personal administrativo labora en oficinas que no cumplen con las condiciones adecuadas.
11. April 2019
The Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman, Marie Anderson, and the Irish Ombudsman, Peter Tyndall, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to provide for co-operation on complaints about North-South Implementation Bodies.  The MoU will ensure that users of public services, both north and south of the Ireland/Northern Ireland border, will be able to have complaints investigated efficiently by the appropriate independent Ombudsman.