5. Oktober 2018
The European Region of the IOI held its quadrennial Conference and General Assembly in Brussels from 1 – 3 October 2018. On the occasion of its 20th anniversary, the event was hosted by the Federal Ombudsman of Belgium, Catherine De Bruecker and Guido Herman, and their office.
4. Oktober 2018
La Defensoría del Pueblo de la provincia de Santa Fe invita a la jornada sobre seguridad vial “Prevención, responsabilidad y control”, que se realizará el próximo miércoles 10 de octubre, a las 8.45 horas, en la sede de la Asociación Empresaria de Rosario, ubicada en España 848.


4. Oktober 2018
the Victorian Ombudsman has found that the former managing director of Goulburn Murray Water claimed - and the former chair approved - reimbursement to which he was not entitled for items including household furniture and alcohol.



4. Oktober 2018
Se publica el Boletín Estadístico de la PPN Nº 11 con datos actualizados al segundo trimestre de 2018. Los boletines estadísticos del Organismo visibilizan el trabajo institucional realizado sobre aquellos fenómenos estructurales del sistema carcelario.
4. Oktober 2018
The Ombudsman investigated, upon his own initiative, three issues arising from the Department for Correctional Services’ (the department) handling of a prisoner with type 1 diabetes. The investigation was instigated on the basis of information received from the Office of the Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner.
3. Oktober 2018
Del 23 al 25 de octubre de 2018 se celebrará en México el próximo Foro Internacional “los DESCA y los Objetivos del Desarrollo Internacional. Una Agenda Común” seguido de la reunión regional del Caribe y Latinoamérica del Instituto Internacional del Ombudsman.


2. Oktober 2018
The Office of the Queensland Ombudsman continues to play a pivotal role in ensuring public agencies making fair and reasonable decisions – a key element of open and accountable public administration.


2. Oktober 2018
Le Niger honoré à la CONFERENCE INTERNATIONALE DE l’Association des Médiateurs des Pays Membres de l’UEMOA (AMP-UEMOA) à Ouagadougou au Burkina Faso avec l’élection du Médiateur de la République, Me Ali Sirfi Maiga comme  nouveau Président de l’AMP-UEMOA.